用眼睛去觀察世界,也會是一種具體的見解,以福報來說一件事能付出多少, 造就的福份也不同,付出20%得到的是20%, 同理30%、 50%、90%、都是不同的回報,這些不一樣的條件造就每一層天的世界,印度人觀察到人群的行為有非常多不同的形態,所以用了那麼多天來當界定說明。
The worlds that are observed by eyes are a concrete point of view to some degrees. If we discuss this in term of good karma (merit), how much you receive in term of good karma depends on how much you paid. If you paid 20%, you will received 20%. Similarly, 30%, 50%, 90% are all different returns. Every level of "heaven" are created with these different type of conditions. Indians observed that people have many different type of behaviors, so they used these many heavens to explain them.
我們從現今資訊的發達更知道,人群的所有行為的確是人人不同! 一群人有一群人的特色,及個人堅持的看法、做法, 用這些相互交叉比較, 就知道很多修行者入定後, 所看到的世界應該不是天方夜譚! 跟科學一樣,修行者的看法是否正確 ? 雖然不具實體, 卻仍然可以檢視。
Today, we know everyone behaves differently. Each group of people have their own uniqueness, in additional to individual views and methods. If you use these to cross reference and compare, you should understand that the world that practitioners of jhana see is not hallucinations. Like science, what the practitioners of jhana say about what they saw, might not be concrete, but still can be checked.
印度人可能是耗費最多精神、體力、從事人體實驗,及修練的國家,中國同樣也發展拳術武功,中醫,道家養生,也都把人體使用到極端,但還是不及印度人的投入,人體所能發揮的異能極限,像一道密碼,一、一被印度人瓦解,哲學在東方世界變成無止無盡的人體探討! 還不見得是為了醫學的治療,對西方人來說應該是不可思議的。
In all the cultures, Indians might spent more efforts and energies on the experimentation of human body and training, that all other cultures. Chinese also developed martial arts, Chinese medicines, Taoist's methods of health and medicine and used human body to the limits. But Chinese is not as involved as Indians. All the extra-normal abilities that human body can create are like secrete codes that were decodes by Indians one at a time. In Eastern world, philosophy was about unlimited investigation of human body, and not necessary for medicine. This point of view Westerners will probably find very inconceivable.
半寄 Master Ban Ji