中國禪宗第二代祖師慧可,問他師父達摩一個問題,很有名! 問題是我心不安!? 沒錯! 【我心不安】,所以我來找尋安心良方,有什麼問題比這個問題更急迫? 是人,才會不安不是嗎? 理所當然修道要解決的是人性的困難點,唯有修過這一切或通過這些人性考驗的修行者,才能教導別人該如何通過! 甚至是取得戰勝人性病態的勝利!
The second patriarch of Chinese Zen Huike asked his teacher, Bodhidharma, a famous question. The question is: My mind/heart is troubled. That's right, my heart/mind is troubled, so I come to find a cure for it. Is there a question more urgent than this? Only people can be troubled, so it is obvious that the whole point of Practice is to take care of the difficulties of human nature. Only practitioners who have conquer all the challenges of human natures can teach other people how to get through it. Even to claim victory in the war again the human sickness.
人因脆弱的性格無法克服,會期待救世主的降臨,但是人們忽略了一點,重重黑暗的人性加在一起祈求,其結果會呈現什麼狀態? 假如把這些祈求,轉變成實際上的行為努力,佛、菩薩、想拉群眾往前走,也會變得輕鬆許多。
People are hoping for a savior to arrive because they cannot conquer their human weakness. But people forget one thing. When you have a group of people praying, what kind of situation would their collective dark side create? If we took these prayers, and turn them into actual efforts to change our behaviors, Buddha and Bodhisattva will have an easier time pushing everyone forward.
站在神與人之間讓我選擇,個人寧願追隨一個真正有著肉體的修行者,去領略什麼叫做人走出來的路!? 我從來清楚人性的光明面,要顯現出來有多麼的困難,悉達多的偉大在於他是人,試著對付自己的人性看看,爾後你會知道那個高峰長相怎樣!? 攀越上去的修行者,值不值得頂禮。
Standing between God and Human, I rather follow a practitioners who has a real physical body, and to understand the path walked by a human being. I have always know how difficult it is to show the brightness of human nature. Siddhartha is great because he was human. If you try to take care of your human nature, you will know what the summit looks like when you get there, and you will know whether you should to respect the practitioners who can climbed to the top.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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