2012年2月28日 星期二

佛陀是人 2 Buddha is Human 2

第一次我對修行燃起了絕大的信心,在一個封閉的教育體制下,個人一直不知道該如何看待自己? 自己這個凡人身軀,有著七情六慾,卻想修行,那神聖的殿堂裡怎容得下我? 我只能服侍佛 (神)嗎? 可我是佛教徒,是修行者,不是服侍者,這些存在個人心中激盪的想法,被木村泰賢教授給解救出來!

That was the first time I gain tremendous confidence about Practice of Buddhism. In a closed educational system, I never knew how to view myself. I am an ordinary human, full of emotions, but intended to Practice. How can a saintly palace allow me to stay? I can only be in servitude to Buddha (God)? But I am a Buddhist, a practitioner, not a servant. These conflicting thoughts were answered by professor Kimura Taiken.

往後的歲月裡,個人致力一件事,很會修理自己,懦弱的、虛偽的、各種人性的病態,都在承受的起的範圍盡量去試鍊 自己,慢慢的,隨著時間的過去,驚訝的發現,人性的病態有轉移,昇華的跡象出現,雖然不多! 但已足夠支撐自己在人世間,活的從容,過得像人。

For the years that followed, I worked on one thing, and that is to fix myself. All the sicknesses of human nature, the weak and the fake, I tried to overcome. Slowly, with the passage of time, I was surprised to find that my sicknesses had changed, and had a sense of becoming sublime. Not a lot, but enough to support myself, enough for me to live leisurely, like a human being.

就因為個人很努力在修理自己,才發覺這件事好難 !  好難 !

It is because I am trying to fix myself, that I found that this is very hard.

佛陀是人! 這個論點有這麼可怕嗎? 他是人卻可以克服那麼多人性的通病,去達到一種理想的人格,就是這樣的人格值得頂禮! 足以供奉在廟堂裡膜拜,佛陀是人! 並無損於他的光華,假使他從頭開始就是神的存在,不僅佛學觀點有問題? 更教千千萬萬的追隨者,何去何從 ?

Buddha is human. Is this idea so horrifying? He was a human being, but he was able to conquer many weakness of human nature, to achieve an ideal. This is what deserve our respect. This is why we pay respect to him in the temples, because he is human. This does not reduce his accomplishments and glory. If he was a god from the beginning, then not only does Buddhism become problematic. The millions of followers, what happens to them? Where would they go?

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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