2012年2月27日 星期一

佛陀是人 1 Buddha is Human 1

佛教雖然號稱是無神論者,但是在歷經流傳的過程後,悉達多 (佛陀的名字)這個年輕的修道者,在流傳過程中變成早已是成佛的人,他只是來人間示範如何成佛而已!? 所以不能當他是由凡人修成佛的立場來看待,要認定祂早已成佛,已是神聖體的身軀,就連後期發展出來的大乘佛教,裡面所提到的諸佛、菩薩、也是早就修道成就很久的聖人! 這些話在傳播佛教的場合聽起來名正言順,沒什麼好懷疑的,離開傳教的場所,想一下! 佛法是用來修的,如果! 悉達多早就不是一般人,祂跟我不一樣,我學習他的修法,究竟要修到何年何日才能有點影子?

Although Buddhism is suppose to be atheistic, during the spread of Buddhism, Siddhartha (name of the Buddha), the young practitioner, had achieved God like status. People thought of him as a God that came to the human realm to show us how to become Buddha. Because of this attitude, people think that we cannot look at his experience as those of an ordinary human being. People think that we should think of him as a Buddha at birth, with the body accord a deity. Even the Mahayana Buddhism consider the various Buddhas and Bodhisattva as accomplished saints from a long time ago. All these talks seem normal in most Buddhist gatherings, and no body found that there is anything to be suspicious about. But let's think about it, away from Buddhist gatherings. We are trying to practice Buddhism. If Siddhartha was not an ordinary person, if he is different than me, how would I get anywhere with his method?

一個提出生死看法,及解脫之道那麼多見解的宗教,教主與凡夫有著這麼遠的距離,著實令人恐慌 !

It should make people panic if they realize that a founder of a religion that talked about how to view life and death and how to be liberated is so much different than ordinary people.

日本佛教學者木村泰賢 先生,所著的書裡 : 原始佛教思想論,提出一個看法,悉達多當初決定入森林修道時,應該是恐慌的,森林裡伸手不見五指,他又自己一個人 ......... 看到這一段時,大腦頓時像被打了一下,(是腦被打,不是頭 ) 對啊! 怎麼都沒假設這種情況的可能,許多該有的正確想法都被聖人論吞沒了。

Japanese Buddhist scholar, Kimura Taiken, mentioned a view point in his book: "Genshi Bukkyō shisōron"[Note]. He wrote that when Siddhartha went into the jungle to practice, he should be panicking. The jungle was so dark that he could not see his own hand, and he was by himself.....When I saw this part, I felt my brain was struck (The brain that was struck, not the head). Of course, why didn't we assume that this was a possibility? Many correct ideas were all swallowed by the view that Buddha is a saint.

悉達多會恐慌 ,這個意義太大了! 那代表他走過的路,我也可以走,假使他是聖人,那他走過的路,我是無法到達的,他有恐慌需要克服,我也有恐慌,如果我可以克服,那修道的路就會現出來,不是嗎?

Siddhartha was panicking. This means a lot. It means that the path he had walked is accessible to me. If he is a saint, then I will not be able to walk his path. But he has panic attacks that he needed to overcome, so do I. So if I can overcome my feeling of panic, then the path will appear as well. Isn't that so?

半寄 Master Ban Ji

[Note]原始佛教思想論 "Genshi Bukkyō shisōron": I don't think there is an English translation for this book. It meant "Ideas of the Original Buddhism"
