有句話說太陽底下無新鮮事,是很貼切的形容,再奇怪的事一旦了解它的脈絡,反而清楚該怎麼面對它,現實世界用鬼來形容一個人,都已代表那個人不是窮死了的窮鬼,就是懂得壓榨別人的吸血鬼,鬼有凡事已到盡頭的不堪,看不見的靈魂也一樣,一旦無所依附 ! 也是窮其所有的想延續自己,可是已經盡了力在延盪,無法如願時,一樣會窮兇惡極。
"There is nothing new under the sun" is a very apt illustration of the world. No matter how strange a phenomenon is, once you understand its context, you will know how to face it. If people use ghost to describe a person in real life, the person is either a poor soul, or a vampire who knows how to extract from other people. Ghosts and invisible souls have the same unbearable pain regarding their potential end. When they have nothing left to loss, they will do anything to continue their existences, and can become very aggressive.
許多意外事故的場合,戰亂過後的悲痛,除了生者的無法釋懷,情感需要撫平,已逝者的安魂也是一項重要任務, 死者何堪! 在肉體尚沒反應過來時,( 意識到自己的死亡 )靈魂已無所依靠,驚懼魂散! 不足以形容其痛苦於萬一, 是靈魂也好,是鬼也罷 ! 此時恐怕只剩下伏惟尚饗了。
Accident, wars and chaos can create pain and suffering for many people. The survivors need to be consoled, but the dead also need to comforted. Before their body had a chance to react, the soul (once it noticed its death) will have nothing to rely on, and will be frightened. There is no words that can explain the pain of a soul or ghost when it realized all that it has left is the offerings left on the altar.
對失去至親的人而言,親人就算是鬼,也依戀難捨,那種想念不是旁人可以理解的。鬼神到底有沒有? ! 不是很重要, 重要的是人生活圈交集的情感,在有形與無形之間相互激盪,有形是肉體,無形是情感,而後者的份量所佔亦不在少數,以致於無形世界所延伸的範圍,超乎想像的多與大,鬼神論一直難登大雅之堂,上面的引述還會讓所謂知識界,敬鬼神而遠之? 知識再豐富也是人,總有一天,誰都得面臨生離死別。
For people who lost a love one, they will still not be able to let their love ones go, even if they are ghosts. This type of longings cannot be comprehended by people from the outside. It is not important if ghosts or gods really exist. What is important in the emotions of human that goes back and forth between the visible and invisible worlds. Body is visible, emotion is invisible, and the latter is a large components of our world. So the boundary of the invisible world is bigger than we can imagine. Formal discussion of ghosts and gods have never been possible. After reading this article, would the intellectuals still "respectfully staying away from gods and ghosts?" No matter how much knowledge an intellect has, he is still human, and will one day faces the separation of life.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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