2012年1月10日 星期二

解脫 Liberated

I run across many mention of "liberate" when reading various Buddhist writings. It seems like they all seems to think that to be liberated means that they don't have to be part of samsara (cycle of life and death). To them, it probably also means that they don't have to suffer any more.


This line of thoughts is correct. But my question is, what does it mean to not be part of samsara? After I die, if i do not return, where do I go? For the arhats mentioned in Buddhist Texts, where did they go? Even, the Pure Land promised by Amitābha is only a temporary places for you to go, so you can become Buddha while in that land. Some believe that once you become Buddha in the Pure Land, you will come back to help other people reach enlightenment. But we should all agree that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are human beings who are enlightened, so if they do come back, they should be normal human beings as well. No? Wouldn't they be part of samsara again?

這個想法沒有錯!但我的問題是,不再輪迴是甚麼意思?死了之後,如果我不回來,那去了哪裡? 佛經中提到的阿羅漢,他們究竟去了哪裡?阿彌陀佛的西方極樂世界也不是一個終點,因為您只是去那裏成佛而已。 有人認為,一旦成佛,應該回來幫助其他人成佛。但我們都應該同意:佛和菩薩,如果回來人世間後,也應該像普通人一樣,因為佛是覺悟者,不是神。 所以,如果回來,不也是需要輪迴嗎?

Viewing "Liberate" like this is inconceivable to me, so what does "Liberate" mean to me?

我覺得這樣看「解脫」好像很不可思議, 那,我對「解脫」的想法是什麼呢?

To be liberated means that you have a rational mind with the ability to discriminate between the correct and incorrect ideas. You won't be bounded by societal and peer pressures, and you have the ability to judge and think for yourself.

「解脫」,是指您有思考能力,能分辯正確和不正確的思想、想法。 您不會被社會和同儕的想法拘束,您能很自在的有自己的想法和判斷。

To be liberated means that you are fully emotionally mature, so that you don't loss control of your emotions and do something that you will regret later.

「解脫」是您有完全成熟的情感。您不會失控而做一 些您會後悔的事。

To be liberated means that you understand the Nidānas of all things, you know why things are the way they are. By understanding Nidānas , you will not complain of fairness, because you know everyone is receiving their dues, whether good or bad. You will understand the consequences of all actions, so you will avoid actions that bring bad karma, and perform actions that bring good karma. You will know how to work for the fruits that you want.

「解脫」是您完全了解一切的因缘。您知道事情的來源,因為了解因缘法,知道每個人都得到他們應得的果實,不管是好還是壞。 所以,您不會抱怨,您會明白一切行為的後果,所以會避免惡業也做善業,您知道如何為自己的果實努力。

To be liberated means that you take only what you produce, and you have the ability to not let other people steal from you. You are not caught in the never ending cycle of bad karma, either as the aggressor or as the victim.

「解脫」是您只拿自己產生的果實。您不會讓人偷或搶自己所擁有的,因為您會保護自己。 這樣您就不會陷入惡業的輪迴,無論是侵略者或受害者的角色。
