三至四年的時間過去, 浸在美的情愫依然 , 沒感覺有什麼不對 ! 有一首詩描寫的很好 ,驀然回首, 那人卻在燈火闌珊處 , 我在那段時間後有驀然回首的心驚 , 我看見自己只擁有文學性質的美 ,而修行真的是站在不見燈火處 ! 這一驚非同小可, 嚇壞了 ! 不是要修行嗎 ? 怎麼變成只是美的情懷,
After 3 or 4 years, still soaked in the enjoyment of beauty, I still did not believe there is anything wrong with it. But then, just like the scene from the poem "suddenly looked back, that person is still by the dim light", I suddenly looked back with a fright. I found that I only have the literary beauty, but my Practice is no where near any light. I was scared! Wasn't my purpose to Practice? Why did it become only about beauty?
這才懂為什麼當年面見印順導師, 向他老人家問華嚴宗的事理無礙 ,
究竟要怎麼修 ? 只見他皺起眉頭笑著說 : 這很難喔 ! 就沒有下文。
That was when I understood Master Yinshun's answer when I asked him about Huayan school's "the realm of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena." I asked him how does one Practices this concept. He only frowned and said, with a smile, "This is very hard!" And no more.
是啊 ! 究竟要怎樣才能事與理無礙 ,在人間 ! 恐怕連佛陀也答不出來,這麼高標的學理在中國產生 ,背景都是以圓融 、圓滿 做思維、做後盾,假如把圓融觀點當成理想世界,可以接受,如果要用在實修 真得重新看待,缺陷與圓融兩者相距太遠 , 踏在以缺陷為主的觀點去修, 跟踏在以圓融的觀點去修 , 絕不可能一樣 , 我知道有人會認為可以殊途同歸 ,透過一即一切的說法 , 一假如可以代表一切 ,那這個一要用什麼樣的字眼來形容它 ? 這種說法等於承認一是無限大, 而且大到無所不包, 什麼樣的一可以執行這種任務 ! 至今依然想不透?!
He's right. How do you achieve "Non obstruction between principle and phenomena" in life? Buddha probably cannot answer this himself. This kind of high standard in China usually use "harmony", "perfect" and "success" as its support. If we think of "harmonious perfection" as an ideal world, we can accept this as an ideal. But if we need to actualize this, we need to look at it differently, because the differences between defects and "harmonious perfection" are too far apart. Practice based on defects, and Practices based on "harmonious perfection" cannot be the same. I know that people think they all end up the same, through the concept of "One is All". But if "One" can represent "All", then how do we describe "One" with words? This is saying that "One" is limitless so that it can include everything. I still have not figure out what kind of a "One" can fulfill this requirement.
半寄 Master Ban Ji