2012年1月19日 星期四

一即一切 1 One is All 1

一即一切這句話的全文是 : [一即一切,一切即一],出自中國天臺宗華嚴宗的講學,這兩個宗派跟禪宗一樣,都是在中國形成教派的,而天台、華嚴、是傾向學說講經,他們創立的學說一層一層,嚴謹中見繁瑣,不是一般人可以學習的。

The complete phrase of "One is All" is : "One is All, All are one." This phrase is from the teachings of Chinese Tiantai and Huayan schools of Buddhism. These two schools, like Chinese Zen, are all formed in China. However, Tiantai and Huayan schools tend toward theoretical interpretation of Buddhist Texts. Their doctrines are layers after layers of rigorous but tedious theories, not easy for ordinary people to study.

本來佛法在印度首先提出的是生、老、病、死、的看法,傳到中國以後華人對缺陷,本來接受度就不高,中國喜歡的人事是一種無遺憾的圓滿,老、病、死、人間最不願見到的現象,既然不願看到,在佛法的傳修中,慢慢的演練出另外一套適合華人的佛學來, 【圓融觀】。

Originally in India, Buddhism was all about birth, old age, sickness and death. When it came to China, Chinese people were not keen on defects, and did not accept imperfections easily. What Chinese like are successes with no regrets. Old age, sickness and death are the phenomenons that they do not want to see. Since they did not want to see them, the Buddhism in China evolved to become something that Chinese can accept, and that is the concept of "Harmonious Perfection".

圓融的觀點把佛學推向完美,反而呈現出是一種文學氣息濃厚的學說,也就是華人世界熟悉的: 一沙一世界,一葉一如來,有一段時間我對這樣的世界,產生屬於精神世界的愛執,那是一種美的享受,彷彿浸在裡面就已進入佛的世界,而那裡又如此讓人心曠神怡! 什麼地方可以跟佛的世界比擬?

"Harmonious Perfection" pushed Buddhism toward perfectionism. But because of it, it exhibits an atmosphere of literary beauty; a beauty that is familiar to Chinese: "To see a world in a grain of sand, And Buddha in every leaf." There was a time that I treasured this type of world. It was an enjoyment of beauty, almost like living in the world of Buddha, and I found it even more relax and happy. How could any where compare with Buddha's world?

半寄 Master Ban Ji
