「無」字在中國被當成「空」的代名詞及解釋,空的思想在中國經歷一下子時間的演變,就已經不是邏輯辯證的東西,「空」就是跟道家講的「無」一樣,是一種虛無飄渺的感覺,這對中論的原本作者龍樹菩薩而言,恐怕比唖巴吃黃蓮還冤枉 ! 道家的哲學被國際學者稱為經驗法則,也就是現實看到什麼,就拿它當比方,老子講的水的看法,莊子的蝴蝶之說,這些是中國的哲學,但不是辯論、辯證學,空在 這裡徹底的糢糢糊糊,就連傳入西洋的空法思想,一樣也跟虛無擺在一起,弄得一大群西洋修學者鎩羽而歸。
In China, "Wu" become a synonym for Śūnyatā and its explanation. After a brief experience in China, Śūnyatā was no longer a concept that needs to be logically debated. Śūnyatā became the same as Taoist's "Wu", with a feeling of "nothingness" and "ephemeral". This is such a disservice to the original writer of Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, Nāgārjuna, he's probably rolling over in his grave. The philosophy of Tao was considered to be "observation based", which means that it tends to use observable phenomenons in the world as a analogies, such as Laozi's view on water[Note 1] or Zhuangzi's butterflies[Note 2]. These are Chinese philosophy, but it is not argumentative, nor dialectical. Because of this, Śūnyatā became vague and nebulous. Even the concept of Śūnyatā that is spread to the West is linked with "emptiness", and cause many western practitioners to retreat from it.
個人不敢說在這方面有所成,但至少知道那種辯論可以從兩方面切入,一、從因緣的成立條件,維持條件,到存在有無可能的問題;二、從時間消逝與生起的掌握問題,朝這兩個方向辯證,一定能明白什麼是空的思想,其實中論也已說明白,中論第一句話的開端就說;因緣所生法, 我說即是空。這句話就已勾出空的藍圖,跟道家思想差異這麼大的學問,被混合在一起,不知為什麼那麼多修學者不會覺得奇怪 ? 反而會覺得虛無飄渺也不錯 ?!
I don't dare say that I have any type of success in this area, but I think there are two lines of arguments that can be used to consider Śūnyatā. One is based on Nidānas and the possibility of a phenomenon as the result of satisfying the requirements of establishment and maintenance. Another argument can consider the passage of time. From these two directions to debate and investigate, I think it is possible to understand the meaning of Śūnyatā. Actually, it was clear from Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, from the first sentence of Mūlamadhyamakakārikā : "Everything is based on Nidānas, that I said is Śūnyatā." This already provided a blueprint for Śūnyatā. This concept is so dissimilar with the ideas of Taoism, how can so many practitioners not consider it strange? Even think that "nothingness" and "ephemeral" is not too bad?
半寄 Master Ban Ji
[Note 1]老子講的水的看法: Laozi used water as an analogy for goodness (virtue) in Chapter 8 of Tao Te Ching. The first 4 words "上善若水" means "The highest form of virtue is like water."
[Note 2] 莊子的蝴蝶之說: 莊周夢蝶: The story is that one day, Zhuangzi had a dream that he became a butterfly, and when he woke, he found that he's Zhuangzi. So he wondered if he had dream Zhuangzi's butterfly, or did he dream of butterfly's Zhuangzi.