2012年1月2日 星期一

日記 Diary

Ever since I started the blog about a month and a half ago, I found that the process of think and writing has helped me with my understanding of myself and Buddha's teachings. (This was written late October.)


In the first few weeks, there were so much information crammed in my brain, that it was actually a release to write them all down. But since I cannot just write random texts and hope to find an audience, I had to take all the information in my brain and categorize, analyze, digest, process and reunite them in order to present coherent articles. This process had help me solidified my understandings.


Now a days, the blog has evolved into a diary for me. I don't think about what I want to write every waking hours now. I just live my life and work on Practice. The ideas for articles only came to me when I have a new understanding or new experiences. Some of these came from reading, some from personal experiences and encounters and some are from thinking about what I already know.


In Buddhist Texts, there are no stories of how people walk the path. All we read are people who have heard a particular teaching from Buddha and become happy, went home to Practice and become enlightened. We never get to learn about their trials and tribulations. It all seem so magical, so unapproachable.

在佛經裡,我不記得有讀過任何人修行經驗的文章,只讀過,「時,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。」或「時, 彼比丘聞佛所說,心大歡喜,禮佛而退,獨在靜處,精勤修習‧‧‧時,彼比丘即成羅漢,心得解脫。」我們都不知道他們的考驗和磨難,這一切都很神奇,難以接近。

From my articles, you might not know the details of the circumstances, but at least you will get a glimpse of the type of obstacles that I have encountered and my resolutions for them. These articles are all published in the order that they were conceived. So it will provide you with breadcrumbs that you can follow.


Since we are all different, the specific obstacles and the timing will be different for all of us. But I think what we are trying to show is that reaching enlightenment does not have to be magic. It takes courage and will to advance one step at a time.


I still read my old articles, to continually check for typos and grammatical errors, and I have found some of them shallow already. So I might write more articles on the same topics in the future to reflect my new understandings and to provide more depth.


I don't know how far I will get, but I hope my articles can inspire other people to preserver in their quest for their own personal enlightenment.

