既然是談修行,就是承認自己需要做某種程度的修正,要修正的自己會好看嗎? 一定不會,好看! 要等到修成時,修正的第一要務,衝破不需要有的臉皮(面子) 問題,是必要的,這樣的自己才能如實、如實的、看見自己,用安於自己的沉澱力量,一條條、一絲絲的拉出自己,絕對不要用醜陋的眼光看待自己,用自己有這麼多弱點,難怪一直不好,現在藉修道的方法讓它呈現,終於有了改變的機會,這樣的去想人性,才會有生機,假使不是這樣想,說要修行卻一直拋不下世俗看法,反而拼命往自己的臉戴面具,到底修行是要給別人交代,還是給自己一個交代,修行者自己得捫心自問!
If we want to talk about Practice, then we need to admit there are parts of us that require fixing. A self that requires fixing is not going to be pretty. If you want to look good, you need to wait until after you have been fixed. Therefore, the first priority in Practice is to remove the issue of "pride". Only then, will you be able to truly look at yourself. You need to use the force within you to drag yourself out one thread at a time. You should never consider yourself to be ugly. You should think that your weaknesses are keeping you in a bad situation. Then, you can use Practice to make them surface so that you have some chances to change these weaknesses. You need to think of human nature this way to have any chance at success. Otherwise, if you cannot remove the common view and keep putting masks on yourself, are you Practicing for other people or for yourself?
一個成功的修行,剛開始觀念就得擺對,不然道都還沒摸著,就又被拖進另一個跟世俗沒兩樣的世界,白忙一場! 一個對的思考方向,像一盞強而有力的燈,照明夜空給柔弱的人性帶來希望!想走得遠,必得面臨弱點的排除,不是醜陋,清理完! 前面的路將再次展開,何樂而不為?
To be successful in your Practice, you need to have the right concept. Otherwise, before you even get on the path, you are already dragged into the secular world. What a waste of time! A correct direction is like a powerful spot light, it lights up the darkness to give the weak human nature a ray of hope. If you want to go far, you need to face the exclusion of weakness, not ugliness. After you are done, the road will open up in front of you, so why would you not do it?
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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