The koan from the last article made me look up a few more, and I thought I share my reactions to some of them. You might get some laughs out of them.
"Kyõgen Oshõ said, "It is like a man up in a tree hanging from a branch with his mouth; his hands grasp no bough, his feet rest on no limb.
Someone appears under the tree and asks him, 'What is the meaning of Bodhidharma's coming from the West?' If he does not answer, he fails to respond to the question. If he does answer, he will lose his life.
What would you do in such a situation?" (Translation from
Wave hands and feet, mind to mind.
"One day, Zen Master Fo Yin was going to speak about Dharma. Su Dongpo heard about it and rushed to attend the speech. When he arrived, it was standing room only. Master Fo Yin saw Su Dongpo and said 'It is all full. There is no room for scholar.'
Su Dongpo immediately answered: 'So there is no place to sit here, I will just have to use Master's Four Elements and Five Skandhas as my seat.'
Master Fo Yin answered: 'Scholar! I have a question for you. If you can answer it, then my body will become your seat. If not, then you will leave your jade belt here as a souvenir for this temple.'
蘇東坡一向自命不凡,以為準勝無疑,便答應了。佛印禪師就說:「四大本空,五蘊非有,請問學士要坐那裏呢?」 』
Su Dongpo agreed, and Master Fo Yin asked: 'Four elements are already Śūnyatā(Empty), Five Skandhas do not exist, so where is the scholar going to sit?'"
I said, "Lay down and I'll show you where I will sit."