2012年1月28日 星期六

無常真正的稱呼 2 The Real Name of Anicca 2


It is important for a Buddhist to understand the concept of time, because it affects how to accept change. The opposite of impermanence (anicca) is permanence. People are familiar with permanence. Even your own feelings and senses are operate in a familiar and regular (permanent) fashion. So you need to practice in order to accept the reality of anicca.

人其實一直活在要求的狀態裡下,不好的要求它好,好的要求它不要變,但不管自己的假設為何? 要變動的仍然是在變,既然如此! 為什麼不打開眼睛,去看到變動具體的存在? 我在部落格文章,一直闡述明白理念的重要,理念不明猶如視野低垂,看不見事實、也看不見路,如同黑金與沙子擺在眼前,沒有眼力是無從分辨的,努力吸收理念,再賦予以辨別能力,就是一點一滴在培植眼力。

People always live in the state of constant "wants." We want bad to become good. We want good to not change. But we never consider why. Things that changes will still change, so why don't we open our eyes and see the reality of change? I have always been stressing the importance of understanding concepts. If you are not clear on the concepts, you cannot see the reality and cannot see a path. Just like you cannot tell the differences between black gold and sand if they are placed in front of you. You can develop this ability only by absorbing concepts, and giving yourself critical thinking abilities.

有眼力確認變動的事實存在,更細的是去體會時間變化(諸行無常),這樣或許才能觸摸,用觸摸形容很驚聳吧! 時間怎麼觸摸? 讀者自己去理解,不提供解答。

It takes abilities to confirm the reality of changes. At a more detailed level, even to empirically experience time. (All phenomenons are anicca.) Maybe this way, anicca can be touch and feel. Is it shocking? How do you touch and feel time? I will leave that as an exercise for readers.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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