2012年1月27日 星期五

無常真正的稱呼 1 The Real Name of Anicca 1

無常這兩個字,還需要寫嗎? 一聽就知道是往生的代名詞,如果不寫每次都得說的嘴破,因為無常不只是要表示往生而已,佛學有許多詞句被指非成是的用,不正本清源一下還真有些麻煩,因為真正的意思被取代,對想要修學的人思考形成障礙 。

Do I still need to write about anicca? It is obviously another word for "death". [Note] If I don't write about it, I will need to explain it over and over until I am blue in the face. Because anicca is not only about "death." Many words and phrases of Buddhism have been so abused and obfuscated, that it might be better to explain them. Because the real meaning of these words have been replaced, and this presents an obstacle for practitioners.

無常真正的意思是變動性,什麼東西變動速度最快 ? 答案是時間,佛教界公認的三法印之一、三法印是佛涅槃後用來認定什麼才是佛說的標準,主要原因是後代雜亂無章的說法一大堆,三法印提供佛學主要的脈絡,佛學說法再多也不能超出這個範圍。(註一)

The real meaning of anicca is "changeable." What changes the fastest? The answer is time, part of the Buddhism's Three Marks of Genuine Dharma. Three Marks of Genuine Dharma are used to determine if a Buddhist Text meets the standard of Buddha's teaching after Buddha achieve nirvana. This is because there are many chaotic and confusing presentations of Buddhism after the time of Buddha. So Three Marks of Genuine Dharma become Buddhism's most important ideas. No matter what you have to say about Buddhism, it can never exceed the boundary set by these three marks.

[ 諸行無常 ] 佔了三法印其中一個重要地位,如果我們用時間來說明無常,應該是很具體 ,時間一秒秒在飛逝 , 好的 、 壞的 、喜歡的 、討厭的 、想留住的 、 不想留住的 、 都不受人掌握,一切都在變動中,讓想駐足的人茫然, 無所適從 ! 甚至排斥,但時間還是走了 !

"All phenomenons are anicca" is one third of Three Marks of Genuine Dharma. It should be very concrete if we use time to explain anicca. Time passes away every second, the good, the bad, the liked, the hated, the keepers, the throw-aways, none can be held on to by man kind. Everything is always changing, and made people who does not want to change at a loss, not knowing what to do. People even reject it, but time still left.

或許是變動性的東西無情居多,佛教徒不太能接受它,導致需要用到無常來形容事情時,都是已經要往生的代名詞 ! 這麼重要的法門 ,被誤導到如此狹隘的地方 , 真是萬分可惜 !

Maybe it is because things that changes are mostly heartless and mindless, and Buddhists cannot accept it. So that when they need to describe something with anicca, it is usually about "death." It is a pity that such an important method had been lead to such a narrow confine.

( 註一 :三法印 : 一、諸行無常,二、諸法無我,三、涅槃寂靜。)

[Note1: Three Marks of Genuine Dharma: 1. All phenomenons are anicca, 2. All phenomenons' characteristics are anatta, 3. Still and silent nirvana)

半寄 Master Ban Ji

[Note: 無常 Anicca in Chinese is often used to denote life is impermanent, therefore, all about passing away.]
