2012年1月8日 星期日

如理思維 3 Reasoning 3


If you cannot establishing an ability to reason in your Practice of Buddhism (Actually, it doesn't even have to be that complete a system. All you have to do is to pay attention and think about it.), you will walk down many wrong roads. Having the ability to reason is like having a filtering tool, so that you will not be totally aimless. Walking aimlessly is too scary.

回到如理思維的原點,為了專注而訓練大腦緊盯念頭,一樣會有成就,譬如;容易入定、容易專心、但如果用在思維會是很無力的,一個念頭畢竟不是一個想法,做一個比較來看這兩者之間的不同;「我討厭你」,是一個念頭,「我為什麼會討厭你?」是一個想法,前者已無討論空間,後者可再延伸的解決方案無限! 只要你自己思維能力夠,想就這個話題想到哪裡,修到哪裡,都是可能的,這即是思維的厲害,想用頭腦去完成修行,該想想這兩者的內涵,很多事無法用比較去衡量,但修行方法一定要討論一下,愈清楚愈好。

Let's go back to the original point of "reasoning". If you can train your mind to focus on only one thought, you will have success as well. For example, it will be easier for you to enter samadhi, and it will be easier for you to concentrate. But it does not help you think. A thought is not thinking. "I hate you" is a thought. "Why I hate you?" is thinking. There is no room for discussion in the former, but there are limitless extensions to the later so that a solution can be found! If you have enough ability to think, to reason, you can use this ability to reach whatever destination you desire, and will be able to practice so you can actually get there. This is the power of thinking. If you want to use your brain to Practice, you need to think about the meaning behind "thoughts" and "thinking." Many things cannot use comparison to judge, but methods of Practice need to be discussed. You need to be clear about your Practice.


Once "reasoning" becomes a habit, your ability to think critically and differentiate will improve as well, and you cannot help but make progress.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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3 則留言:

電蚊燈 提到...


元, Yuan 提到...

電蚊燈 wrote:

"Master Ban Ji's article on 'Reasoning' lets me start to think about different schools of thoughts, such as Confucian, Tao, Huayuan, Tiantai, Pure Land...etc. I cannot say that I understand all these schools deeply. But what I want to say is that I need to be able to use and practice an idea. Now, I often used the idea of Yin (Cause), Yuan(Conditions) and Karmic results to think about an issue. How I made the decision, how I implemented the decision and how I faced the results. Then I looked at my own feelings, and how I react to the changes, to look at the relationships between my past experiences and my current situation. Recently, I encountered the pain of losing my mother. I found that using Yin,Yuan and Karmic Result to handle the feeling of sad dismay helped released my emotions. I have a feeling of slowing rising from bottom of a swimming pool. I just want to share with everyone that using the idea of Yin,Yuan and Karmic Result as the 'reason' in Reasoning can help calm your emotions and clarify issues."

Master Ban Ji responded:
"Congratulation, you have made a big step."

元, Yuan 提到...

恭喜電蚊燈, 跨出不小的一步!