2012年2月6日 星期一

敬鬼神而遠之? 3 Respectfully Staying Away from gods and ghosts 3

前2篇介紹沒有肉體的生命是如何可以脫離肉體的! 再來看脫離以後如何生存著,按常理來說,靈魂脫離肉體只能獨立一陣子,想長久維持沒肉體的日子,不太可能,它跟人一樣會有生活需求,不過這種需求是假性的層面居多,因為沒有肉體了消耗也少,維持它們還在的主因,反而是活著的親屬或有緣的人,提供人的力氣讓它們有供給。

In the previous two parts, I described how life with out physical body can separate from the body. Let's now look at how it survives after it separated from the body. Normally, soul can only be independent for a brief period after it separates from the body, it cannot continue an existence without a body for long. Like human beings, it has certain requirements of survival. However, their requirements are mostly spurious in nature. Because it doesn't have a body, it consumes little. But the main reason that they are able to survive is because the living relatives or other related people continue to provide the souls with the energy of human beings.

說到這裡順道談談祖墳風水,有經驗的人從墳墓或骨灰罈便可看出別人的家族變化,或者是認為此處風水極佳,又補充說擁有者如果沒有福報,地理風水的地氣會跑,( 民間看風水地理的說法 )

Here, I will talk about feng shui of the ancestral graves. [Note] Based on normal understand of feng shui, people with experience can see how a family's fortune will change from the grave or the location of the cinerary urn. Or these people will say the feng shui is very good here, and if the family that owns this place does not have good karma, how the energy of feng shui will travel. (These are all how traditional people who practice feng shui talk about it.)

造成這些現象的原因 ,其實是血緣的關聯,一個腐朽的肉體再怎麼說 ,都已不可能有能力照應一大堆人,哪怕人還活著時是貢獻人群很多的造福者,往生了還能有庇蔭的作用,

The reason for these phenomenons is the relationship of the bloodline. A decayed body does not have the ability to take care of a lot of people, not even the ability to protect. Even if that person contributed to many people's well beings.

它的原理在於,一、是生前積的福,二、是其子孫延續他的行為而保有福份,在生者與過往者的血緣脈絡裡,交織出一切乍看像似地理風水的世界。而隱藏這一切的背後真正主導者 ,是血緣交織出的密碼,也是個人行為的禍福,從墳墓知道家族興衰,其實是血緣的顯現(示),家族血緣是一道密碼軌跡。

It's principle came from: 1. the good karma accumulated before birth, 2. His offspring are continuing his actions and is able to keep this fortune. In the bloodlines between the dead and the living weaved a world that seems like feng shui. But hidden behind this is the secret codes weaved by the blood relationships. In other words, the personal good and bad fortunes, the rise and fall of a family's fortunes are all a manifestation of blood relationships. Family blood lines is the track of this secret code.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

[Note] Chinese are very concern about the Feng Shui of their ancestors' graves. They feel that good Feng Shui can provide them and their offspring with lasting good fortune. 

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