2012年2月5日 星期日

敬鬼神而遠之? 2 Respectfully Staying Away from gods and ghosts 2

靈魂如果變成一雙看不見的手去做壞事是鬼 、惡神,去做好事是善神,很多人會質疑看不見的世界,真的存在嗎?

If a soul becomes a pair of invisible hands and does bad deeds, we call it ghost or devil. If it performs good deeds, we call it gods. Many people are naturally suspicious of invisible worlds. Does it really exist?


If we can understand the strength of human willpower, then this question will naturally be resolved. It is hard to comprehend the willpower people give to life without seeing it with your own eyes. In life, human body is very fragile, it will be gone with a little bit of accident. But we can see the resilience and indomitable will of human beings in order to accomplish their wishes. This type of resiliency will normally exceed what is normally acceptable and create incredible power.

就像至今人們也不熟悉普通動物,為繁衍下一代的長途遷移是如何辦到的 ? 一隻鳥、一隻蝴蝶、都可以成就這樣的事,人的意志力更不用談,多少人為未了的心願,焦慮心血的想設法完成,又有多少幽暗的靈魂,等不到救贖,企圖自己復 仇,不管其中原委如何 ? 都足以構成意志脫離肉體的延續。這其中有肉體還好,沒了肉體只會促使靈魂更加焦慮,擺盪在肉眼不見處哭泣,痛苦! 甚至於令還活著的肉體不安。

Just like people are not familiar with the ordeals of distance migration a typical animal will go through in order to produce the next generation. A bird, a butterfly can all do something like this, not to mention the willpower of mankind. How many people are putting forth incredible efforts to realize their dreams? How many gloomy souls that cannot find salvation are trying to find revenge, regardless of the original reason? All these can create a continuation of the willpower after it separate from a physical body. In all these, the one with body is still the fortunate one. However, the soul with out a body will only be more anxious, and we cannot see their crying and suffering. Their anxiety can even let the living bodies feel uneasy.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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