2012年2月4日 星期六

敬鬼神而遠之? 1 Respectfully Staying Away from gods and ghosts 1


Since the time of Confucius, ghosts and gods has always been unfashionable demons that cannot break into the mainstream Buddhism, so they are not discussed much. Buddhists treat ghosts and gods with the attitude of "Respectfully Staying Away." Buddhism mentioned ghosts and gods, but because they don't have physical bodies, people usually treat these talks with suspicion. But ghosts and gods are mentioned by other religions in the world as well, not just Buddhism. Since they are many voices that talked about the existence of ghosts and gods, let's discuss how they are formed.

人在哪個地方都是被列入高級動物的,有愛與被愛能力、有思考能力、人有這麼多其他動物不具備的條件,一旦讓這些條件落入一種情形,就可以用上天堂跟下地獄來形容它,什麼背景呢 ? 一種非常強烈的意志。

Human beings has always been considered as the most developed animals, with the ability to love and to be loved, the ability to think and to reason. Mankind has so much more traits than other animals. Under certain conditions, these traits can be described as going to heaven or hell. What kind of condition? A very strong willpower.

好的意志去執行完成好的事,惡毒的意志也一樣去執行惡毒的事,意志這個感官看起來 是屬於大腦的運作,那如果有一個可能! 假設它還可以暫時脫離人體活著,這個假設如可以成立,代表意志有時間做它想執行的事,問題來了,意志本來就是無具體的存在,現在可以單獨行動,卻又沒有肉體賦予的力量,哪它叫什麼名字? 有人稱它是靈魂。

Good willpower is used to accomplish good deeds, and like wise, bad willpower is used to perform bad deeds. Willpower might belong to the brain. But if we assume that willpower can exist without human body, it means that willpower has the time to do what it wants to do. Since willpower never has a concrete existence, if it can perform tasks independently without a body, why would we call this willpower? Some people call it soul or spirit instead.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

5 則留言:

半寄 提到...

宏元 : 科學是可供驗證沒錯 ! 但它演進的過程都離不開假設, 假設就是現在還找不到方法實驗它 ,才用假設! 假設是否一定現在就得成立 ?! 我認為不盡然 , 很多科學的方程式, 也是經歷幾世紀演練結果, 才證明的 。可以現在就證明也無須假設。

元, Yuan 提到...

Ang5 said:
All science need to provide proof, by having different people obtain similar results using the same method. Your article said "But if we assume that willpower can exist without human body". How do we prove this assumption in life?

元, Yuan 提到...

Master Ban Ji replied:
You are right, science can provide proof. But science needs assumptions. We use assumptions because we have not found an experiment that can be used. Must assumptions be established right now? I don't think so. Many scientific results are 'proven' after centuries of development. If we can prove right now, then we don't need assumptions.

半寄 提到...

還有一點 : 要實驗靈魂的存在, 應該要用宗教的方式去實驗才對 想知道與認識靈魂的人 , 通過宗教的訓練或修行的體驗 , 去驗證它 這也是尊重不同行業, 有不一樣的世界的一個方式, 舉個例子! 我能體會你的痛苦 , 該如何驗證 ? 但也不能因無法驗證就抹煞人的感情存在的事實吧 !?
靈魂的存在與否? 應該可以有這樣的思維。

元, Yuan 提到...

Master Ban Ji said:
One more point, in order to test for the existence of soul, one should use the methods defined by religions. If you want to know about soul,you should do it through the practice and training of religion and Practices. This is also a respect for different disciplines have different methods for different worlds. For example, I can understand your pain, but how do I prove that? But we cannot deny that "I understand your pain" because it cannot be experimentally proven. We should apply similar reasoning regarding soul's existence.