2012年2月23日 星期四

梁武帝的功德 2 The Merits of Emperor Wu of Liang 2

歷史上沒有說明,達摩是否知道這些事? 假設一、達摩知道他的作為,認為那是強迫性的捐款,所以不加以肯定,假設二 、達摩認為他已非常好,希望他更上一層樓故意講的話,菩提達摩這個修行者,從印度來中國傳大乘佛法,成績斐然,後來被列入中國禪宗第一代祖師,他在跟梁武帝意見不合後,就去了嵩山少林寺面壁,也用一種世人不解的型態,來訴說他想表達的思想,大乘佛學相當重視無上法的修學 (無上法; 是離相不被眼前可看見的一切、牽制 、阻礙的意思),般若心經是其中最好的一部代表著作,色不異空、空不異色、到不增不減 ............. 短短的經文卻是大乘佛學想要述說的空法精華。

Historically, it is not clear if Bodhidharma knew any of these. If Bodhidharma knew about it and felt that it was forced charity, he obviously would not affirm this behavior. However, if Bodhidharma thought he did very well as a Buddhist, he might say what he did as a way to encourage Emperor Wu of Liang to further height. Bodhidharma came to China from India to spread Mahayana Buddhism with impressive results. He was considered the father of Chinese Zen. After his disagreement with the Emperor, he went to the Shaolin Temple on Mount Song to face a wall. He used a behavior that cannot be understand by people to express his thoughts. Mahayana Buddhism consider "non-attachment" to be an important part of Buddhism. (Non-attachment method: means that practitioner should not let what he can see become an obstacle.) Heart Sutra represents Mahayana Buddhism the best. From form does not differ from Śūnyatā; Śūnyatā does not differ from form, ... to and they neither increase nor diminish.... This short Buddhist Texts is the essence of Śūnyatā that Mahayana Buddhism wants to express.


The result of an encounter between a monk with knowledge of Śūnyatā, and an emperor that wanted to brag about his works had no choice but to result in the displeasure of both participants. Maybe when Bodhidharma learned of a such devoted emperor when he arrived in China, he was fully prepared to teach him the knowledge of Śūnyatā from Mahayana. The result of such a strong medicine was that people totally misunderstood his intentions, so maybe facing a wall is not such a bad choice.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

近期師父的雜記真的非常有趣 ^^

元, Yuan 提到...

someone thinks these miscellaneous notes on Buddhism are very interesting.