梁武帝魏晉南北朝時期中國的一個帝王,是一個虔誠的佛教徒,他跟印度來的高僧菩提達摩一場的辯論,掀起中國古代最具爭論的話題,梁武帝有一天問達摩,我一生修造無數的廟宇,渡無數人出家修道,佛教裡能做的都做了,我累積了多少功德? 達摩回答他說並無功德,達摩認為梁武帝做的都是著相的有為法,要修無為法才是最高級的,這場問答為後人留下很大的想像空間, 華人佛教徒都在問,什麼才是無為法?
Emperor Wu of Liang was an emperor during The Period of Disunity in China. He was a devoted Buddhist and his debate with Bodhidharma became one of the most discussed topics of ancient China. The story goes: one day, Emperor Wu of Liang asked Bodhidharma: I constructed and fixed numerous temples, and enabled countless number of people to join sanghas. I did everything that can be done in Buddhism. How much merits (good karmas) did I accumulate? Bodhidharma told him that he had accumulated no merit. Bodhidharma considered all of Emperor Wu of Liang actions was "attached," and non-attachment is the peak of all methods. This story left people with a lot of rooms for imagination. Every Chinese Buddhists asked, how to be non-attached?
The non-attachment we are discussing here is not Lao-Zhuang's idea of "No Action." It is another explanation of Śūnyatā in China. If we look at the reality of donation, after you did all these and was criticized as doing nothing, wouldn't you be totally dispirited? But Emperor Wu of Liang had some sense of imperial grace, and did not treat Bodhidharma harshly. But this koan left a problem for Chinese. Every one wants to know how to accomplish non-attached generosity.
攤開中國歷史,梁武帝曾經三次捨身同泰寺出家,在皇朝中沒有皇帝的情形下,大臣們只好捐錢給寺廟讓皇帝還俗,這麼奇怪的做法高達四次,每次都是用億元為單位去贖回皇帝的,沒錯! 那些錢都是捐給了寺廟 去做事,可是這樣的做法,該說是梁武帝捐的錢,還是大臣們的不樂之捐。
If we look at Chinese history, Emperor Wu of Liang went to Tong Tai Temple three times to become a monk. When the empire was without its emperor, the ministers and chancellors of the empire had no choice but to donate money to the temple, so the Emperor can return to laity. He did this four times, and every time, it cost these ministers billions of dollars to redeem the emperor. Sure, these money all went to the temples, but did the Emperor donated his own money, or did the ministers donated with reluctance?
半寄 Master Ban Ji