2011年10月15日 星期六

因緣果:還有一個伸展 Karma : One More Extension

So if we apply this teaching of Buddha to ourselves, we can conclude that we can all create a new "I." This new "I" can be whatever we want, within the laws of nature and within our power.


The "I" ("I-Now") at this moment is the result of many many Yin (Causes) and Yuan (Conditions) from the past.

現在這一刻的「我」(「現在的我」) 是很多因緣所成的。

"I-Now" is also the Yin (Conditions) for the "I" in the next moment, "I-Next".

「現在的我」也是下一 刻的「我」(「下一個我」) 的因。

As we learn in the previous article, there are many potential "I-Next." If I have enough wisdom, then I'll be able to know the different "I-Next" that I can choose from, and pick the one that I want by choosing and fulfilling the appropriate Yuan. This was illustrated in my previous articles (First Change and Second Change).



The more "power" that you have, the more Yuan you can choose from. If you have no "power", then you live day to day according to your habits, and you will not improve because time is a merciless Yuan. Because we grow old and weak and die with the passage of time and that's the way things are.

Also, if you do not or can not choose, then some other factors might choose for you, and their choices might not have your benefits in mind.



To improve, you have to have options, and you have to know that you can be changed for the better. You have to empirically understand that "I-Next" doesn't have to be the same as "I-Now", and you have to empirically understand that you can change the Yuan between the "I-Now" and the "I-Next."


To empirically understand that "I-Next" doesn't have to be the same as "I-Now" and is changeable is to empirically understand anattā , and this comes from practicing the Light Side discussed earlier. "Power" for change also comes from the same place.


14 則留言:

電蚊燈 提到...


半寄 提到...

謝謝電蚊燈那麼用心的寫這篇回應 !

電蚊燈 提到...


元, Yuan 提到...

I'll try to translate:

First: 電蚊燈 said he will try to use scientists' view of universe to explain Karma. He said that 21st century has the idea of scientific determinism and multiple universe. If we are given a specific universe at a given time (Yin), the law of physic (Yuan) will dictate the evolution of the universe, and we can calculate the result (Result) (Consult Hawking's The Grand Design. Different universe has different laws (Yuan is changeable), but if the law is the same (habit does not change), the result of the universe's evolution can be determined (Result of habits.)

元, Yuan 提到...

Then, 電蚊燈 said that he would like to add a point. Recent researches in cosmology and unified field theory proved that the beginning and the evolution of the universe does not need a God, it doesn't even need a devil. Scientists already told us that behavior of the universe, at least the big picture. As part of the universe, we created our own Yin, we pushed our own Yuan and obtain our own results. God will not reward nor punish you.

丫頭 提到...


半寄 提到...

ㄚ頭: 中觀家認為存在是不可能成立的 ,比方{ 因}是:我活著 ,假設活著可以存在,就不需要緣,也就是活著的基礎條件,就因需要緣的成立才能活 ,所以不認為存在可成立, 因為是緣在支撐 ,緣一消失 ,{果} 活著的肉體立刻沒有,中觀論認為緣是變動的,可以被變動的條件是{空}當背景,空是不固定存在的另一個解釋,所以因緣果的成立是溶合空的結果。

元, Yuan 提到...


丫頭 asked is Śūnyatā part of Karma, or is Karma part of Śūnyatā ?

Master Ban Ji answered:

Mūlamadhyamakakārikā thinks "existence" cannot be established. For example, if Yin (Cause) is I am alive. If we assume living can "exist", then it doesn't need Yuan (Conditions). In other words, the basic requirements for been alive need the establishment of Yuan (Conditions). Because been alive needs the support of Yuan (Conditions), once Yuan vanishes, Result, which is the body will cease to exist. So we don't think "existence" can be established. Mūlamadhyamakakārikā thinks Yuan (Condition) is changeable. The reason it is changeable is because of Śūnyatā. Śūnyatā is another explanation of non-permanent existence. So Karma is the result of fusing Śūnyatā. If there is no Śūnyatā , then Yin (Cause) cannot be established. This is a big argument. If this is not clear, we can discuss further.

元, Yuan 提到...

Humbly presenting another way to answer:

You can think of Śūnyatā as a theory and Karma as an application. Śūnyatā is like cosmology that scientists that thinks about, and the Karma is what the engineers at Apple uses to design iPads.


空是理論,因緣果是應用。 空像是科學家在探討的宇宙學,因緣果是蘋果公司的工程師用來設計iPad 的知識。

元, Yuan 提到...

Master Ban Ji said

Fixed Chinese Typo. It doesn't change my translation.

電蚊燈 提到...


半寄 提到...

電蚊燈說的只對一小部份, 空法的理論架構, 還需要很多說法才能完備!有機會再寫。

電蚊燈 提到...


元, Yuan 提到...

電蚊燈 said Huh? Doesn't Śūnyatā mean everything is possible? Don't we call the characteristic of all things is changing at all time Śūnyatā ? Yin (Cause) is that everything is possible. Yuan (Condition) also means that everything is possible. If you choose a possibility, than Result will occur. Therefore, Result is products from all the possibilities. Then it means that Result is everything is possible as well.Therefore, Karma can be said as the manifestation of Śūnyatā , and repetition of Yin, Yuan and Result is what Śūnyatā is trying to show. Humbly presenting my opinion.

Master Ban Ji said:

Only partially right. there is more to Śūnyatā's theory and framework. I will write more about it given a chance later.