While writing "Methods to Reduce Greed", I thought about some old feelings that I have about various methods of practicing Buddhism. Buddhism, from the initial discussions and debates, transformed to become a religion as a way to reduce human suffering. In this process, Buddhists produced a lot of explanations on the nature of suffering; too much in fact. This transformed Buddhism into a sad, pessimistic and passive religion.
If we look at the original teaching of Buddhism, we will definitely be talking about Yin (因,Cause), Yuan (緣,Conditions) and "Karmic Result" (果,Results).
[Note: Typically, 因果 (cause and effect) is normally translated as karma in English. However, our point is that for karma to be possible, Yuan (緣,Condition) is a necessity. So instead of using karma to translate some of these concepts, I have chosen to translate the individual components. For meaning of Yin and Yuan, please consult the Glossary entry on Nidānas.]
由對果的了解 (痛苦的果、不想再嘗、美好的果實、不願失去) 進而推展到因的討論。 討論自己為什麼一再是苦果、或自己為什麼是幸運兒、通過探討激發因的改造或維持。再來是助力的加入、也就是耕耘、灌溉、這是緣的完成。
Starting with understanding of "Karmic Result" (There is a tendency for us to avoid the painful and suffering results; while wishing to maintain fortunate ones.), we can proceed to consider the Yin (Causes). Which will lead to discussions on why one is always suffering vs. why one is always fortunate. Furthermore, it will lead to investigations on ways to change or maintain the Yin (Causes). Once an Yin has occurred, it awaits the efforts to create the Karmic Result, and these efforts are the completion of Yuan (Conditions).
These three steps are unique to Buddhism. Buddhism is not only about Yin(Cause) and Karmic Result(Effect). Because if Karmic Result is the direct consequence of an Yin(Cause), life will be deterministic. This approach means that a Yin(Cause) will determine a person's destiny. To make matters worse, the Karmic Result cannot be changed. Because if there is a Yin(Cause), there must be a Karmic Result(Effect). (If there is a Yin without a Karmic Result, it just mean that the Karmic Result has not manifest itself yet due to lack of efforts.) Therefore, Buddhism must have Yuan(Conditions). With inclusion of Yuan(Conditions), the Buddhism's theory becomes more complete and the Practice become practical.
試想如果所有的條件都是不能改變的、那一切物質、精神、人生 、馬上死寂、所有的努力都是無意義的、那人會想活嗎? 會想動嗎? 就因有創造力、也可以變動、才能喚起生命最大的泉源、起而追求人生、錯誤的可以修正、正確的加以延續、而且是有空間這樣做的、那就是緣、通過緣的努力造就自己想要的果實。
If all the conditions cannot be changed, then all physical items, spirits and life will immediately become dead silent. All the efforts will be meaningless. Why would any one wants to live in that condition? Would a person be motivated? Only creativity, and the ability to change, are able to motive people to pursue life. Mistakes can be corrected, and the Correctness can be extended, and the way to accomplish this is through Yuan. Through the efforts of Yuan, one can create a Karmic Result one hopes for.
This is what Buddhism is trying to express.
半寄 Master Ban Ji