瞋: 一種強大的恨意,嫉妒、乃至廣泛的對外面世界持負面看法。
Anger is a powerful hatred, jealousy, and even a negative view regarding all of the world around you.
生活會遇到很多令人生氣的事 ,修行的人或有修養的人該不該生氣? 如果可以生氣又該在那裡止息?!
We all encounter many things that will cause us anger. Should a practitioner or a civilize person ever be angry? If yes, then when should anger cease?!
對治瞋恨談的最多的是忍耐,用忍耐喚起欺壓者的良知,用忍耐強壓住自己的瞋恨,但這樣做有兩種可能的發展方向,第一、欺壓者變成食髓知味者。 第二、一再忍耐的人,不會人格變質嗎? 為什麼不設法找出瞋恨的來源? 假設欺壓者是可用忍耐感化,那是已預設欺壓者是可以度化的人,在等時間成熟引度他,否則一昧的忍耐實是找不出好的註解,就算無言抗議也是抗爭,不是忍耐。
Most talked about methods to reduce anger/hate is to endure/tolerate. On one hand, "endure/tolerance" is advocated because they hope the conscience of the attacker can be aroused. On the other hand, "endure/tolerance" can be used to suppress one's anger. But "endure/tolerance" will create two possible outcomes. One, the attacker receives positive reinforcement on his attack, therefore, the attacker is conditioned to attack more. Two, wouldn't a person who keeps "endure" change his personality eventually, after constant attacks?
If we think the attacker can be changed with "endurance/tolerance", we are already assuming that the attacker is someone who can be changed, then why don't we find the right moment to do so, and not when we are been attacked. Single minded "endurance/tolerance" is not the right solution, even silent protest is still a struggle, not "endurance/tolerance".
想想如果我們內心有一股瞋恨,是不是也勸自己忍耐就可以化解,那這些用日子堆積的忍耐,會不會在心裡變了質,又一次產生自我傷害,有沒想過為什麼會有瞋恨? 第一、真的是別人對不起我? 第二、還是我的欲望得不到滿足(要別人給滿足的那種)產生的瞋恨,如果生命裡有反制的能力,有尊重別人的能力,有創造的能力,瞋恨至少會主動降低。
Imagine if we have anger/hate in our hearts, can we resolve them with "endurance/tolerance"? Wouldn't accumulation of these anger/hate change their nature in us, only to hurt us again? Do you ever think about why you have anger/hate in the first place? Is it because other people have really wronged you? Or is it because other people wouldn't give you what you want? If you have the ability to counter, the ability to respect others and the ability to create, then anger/hate will automatically reduce.
瞋恨也分兩個方向:一個是上面說的自己的問題,一個是社會問題引申的。 很多人說:為正義可以生氣,我倒想說:沒有正義,只有知與無知! 這牽扯到思想層面,留到癡的修法再談。
Anger/hate can also be split into two categories. We have talked about the anger as an issue of oneself. But another is the anger that is part of the society. Many people said that we should be angry in the cause of justice. I would say that there is no justice, only knowledge and ignorance. I will talk about this more when we discuss ignorance.
半寄 Master Ban Ji