Let's not forget that ultimate reason for Buddha's teaching is to reach enlightenment and understand the Truth.
Everything Buddha had said have only one goal, and that is to get us from here to there. The road from here to there is paved with 4 concepts that we need to empirically understand: Śūnyatā, Nidānas, Anicca (commonly translated as impermanence) and Anattā (commonly translated as not-self).
We have already introduced the concept of Śūnyatā and Nidānas, and we will not attempt to discuss much about Anicca and Anattā.
從此岸到彼岸的路有4個概念我們必須完全體會:「空 」、「因緣 」、「無常 」和「無我」。
我們已經介紹過「空 」跟「因緣 」,但不會在這裡討論「無常」和「無我 」。
With these ideas, we can put the benefits of "detached generosity" in context.
If we can perform these acts in a detached manner, in a way, we are doing it with a perfect empirical understanding of Anicca and Anattā. But of course no body can do this from day one. So the practical advice is to perform acts of generosity continually and consistently. The hope here is that one day, after years of work, you will one day perform these acts with total detachment because these acts have become a force of habit. With this one experience, you might have a little empirical understanding of Anicca and Anattā.
This is not unlike the Percepts that Buddhist traditions expect monks and students of Buddhism to keep.
Our method of self-reflection also applied the same principle.
The goal of these methods are all the same, they keep trying to force one self to change from within in an attempt to gain some empirical understanding of Anicca and Anattā.
Once one have a slight empirical understanding of Anicca and Anattā, then it becomes easier to empirically understand Śūnyatā and Nidānas.
只要一個人開始有「無常」和「無我 」的體會,對「空 」跟「因緣」的瞭解就會變成簡單許多。
This is why Buddha said that "Because practicing compassion and charity without attachment is the way to reaching the Highest Perfect Wisdom, it is the way to becoming a living Buddha." (Translation from www.diamon-sutra.com)
因此:佛陀說:「若菩薩不住相布施,其福德不可思量。 」
So you have choices in the "Light Side" as well. Which path you choose will probably be depended on your inclinations. However, regardless of the path, once you have some success in one, the work to reach enlightenment will really start. At that point, it is important to continue to work on fully empirically understand the 4 concepts of Śūnyatā, Nidānas, Anicca and Anattā in order to get closer to the Truth.
重點是要持續努力,充分體會「空 」跟「因緣」、「無常 」和「無我 」才能接近真相。
光明面是名光明 Light Side is called light
一切路因它而明 Because all paths are lit by it
黑暗面是名黑暗 Dark Side is called dark