2011年10月7日 星期五

悟 Epiphany

Epiphany is a process and not a destination.


In many books on Buddhism, there are countless number of stories of Buddhist monks that had some sort of epiphany from a hit on the head, a spoken word, or a look and a smile. These stories made it seems like they go from knowing nothing, to know everything in a blink of the eye with no cause that can make any sense.


But what these stories don't tell you is that these monks had been contemplating the issues and concepts for a long time before the epiphany. They had been assembling pieces of the puzzle for a long time, and at the final moment, the last piece was delivered in the form of a hit on the head, a spoken, or a look and a smile.


I know as I worked in my high-tech job many years ago, these were how a lot of difficult problems were solved. I am sure other people have the same sort of experiences in their own job. I think about the problem day and night, even in my sleep, and one day, while in the shower, or eating lunch, the solution all of the sudden became clear.


Epiphany in Buddhism occurs in the same way; through hard work.


And sometimes, the moment of epiphany pass you by with you even realize it. It is not until you have to explain it to other people, and amazed at the clarity of your explanation, that you realized that you had the epiphany.


But, the ideas that resulted from epiphany are not always correct. They might be close, but they still need refinement. Or they might be totally wrong. Just because it is an "epiphany" doesn't mean its true. We need to think like scientists; to test and validate our "epiphany".

但是, 悟到的道理不見得都是正確的。

After the epiphany, all that remains are the work involved to validate it and realize it.

「悟」了之後, 還是需要精進用功,才能驗證跟實踐所悟到的道理。
