日前看到康徳學說: 主張任何情形都不贊成說謊! 想到以前看柏拉圖《理想國》的一些規定,覺得西洋人為公眾道徳的建立,一直轟轟烈烈在討論,不管提出的內容為何? 討論的問題足以啟發人生,生存的思索。
Earlier, I read a statement attributed to Immanuel Kant on lying. In the statement, Kant asserted that lying should be forbidden under any interpretation and in any circumstance. This brings to mind Plato's justice as discussed in The Republic. This made me feel that Western civilization is continually discussing the establishment of public ethics and moral with vigor. Why is this important? Because discussing these topics will inspire us to think about life and survival.
儒家也曾經熱烈的探究過,跟說謊類似的題型是,嫂嫂落水小叔要不要救? 說謊要討論,因為怕引發公眾道德的敗壞! 中國古代男女授受不親,何況嫂叔之間的接觸! 這些討論會讓已習慣生活的人,想! 這些事還需討論喔 !
Confucianism had also been enthusiastic in the exploration of these types of ethical topics. For example, whether a man should rescue his drowning sister in law? Deception needs to be discussed, because of the fear of corruption in public moral, but a debate about rescuing sister-in-law? In ancient China, men and women could not have physical contact unless they are husband and wife, not to mention contacts between a man and his sister in law. This question might seem strange to us today. But it still need to be discussed even now, because these discussions will force people who are accustom to their own habits to think!
是要討論因為延伸出來的事很大條! 我不想在這裡討論這些問題,或到底答案是怎樣 ?
The reason these types of discussions are still necessary is because they will bring out many important issues. However, I don't want to discuss these issues, or answer these questions here.
我祇想起禪宗的典故,兩個和尚背女子過河 (說有一個女人,無法過河,兩個和尚看見了,其中一個背起她過河,另一個說他觸犯出家戒條,背的和尚說他一過河就放下,沒背的倒挑了起來)!
I can only thought of an allusion from Zen Buddhism: two monks carried a woman across the river! (The story is that there was an woman who could not across a river. Two monks saw her. One monk carried her on his back across the river. The other monk said the first monk has violated a precept of the Buddhism. The monk who carried the woman said that he put her down as soon as he crossed the river, but the other monk then picked her up.)
禪宗簡化文字後,做出一個強而有力的論點 : 承擔,放不下就挑著走! 講究修學者對已做出的事,想做的事,一肩扛起。 我想除討論外,要實行時總要一隻強而有力的手支撐,禪宗給的勇智不錯!
Zen Buddhism simplified the discussions about morality with a strong statement: be responsible; if you cannot let go, then carry it with you. Zen Buddhism wants practitioners to be responsible for their own actions. If there is something that a practitioner had already done, or wants to do, he will need to be willing to hoist the results, whether good or bad.
I think other than discussions, a person will always need strong hands to support himself when he tried to do as he said. The courage and wisdom provided by Zen Buddhism is absolutely correct.
半寄 Master Ban Ji