在一些修定的記載文件,常看到修學者為了練習入定,受到干擾後大發瞋恨心,瞋恨的程度是到發惡毒誓言,生生世世要消滅干擾他的聲音,很可怕 ! 為什麼好好的修練,會轉變成這樣的瞋恨? 修練入定強調的是專心一意,包括身、口、意、的專注,如果在練習入定時,耳邊傳來噪音肯定不能接受,甚至是強烈反彈,但是聲音哪裡沒有? 我們該躲在何處修行? 如何練習專一,考驗修行人的耐力、智慧。
In some historical writings about practice of meditation (jhāna, zazen), I often read about practitioners who went into rage when they were disturbed while they were attempting to achieve jhāna. They would be so angry, that they often swore terrible oaths; making it their eternal mission to eliminate the sources of these distracting sounds. This is very scary. Why would practitioners transform Practice into this type of anger? Practice of jhāna requires focus of body, mouth and mind. While Practicing, a practitioner will not accept noises and will react poorly. But sounds are everywhere. Where can we hide in order to Practice. How to practice focus is a test of a practitioner's endurance and wisdom.
假使把修練入定改成思維的方式,也就是禪定變禪思,可能面臨的環境考驗會大大降低,禪思是用思想來修佛法,一樣也需要安靜的環境,但畢竟是動腦的,不需要極端的安靜,思考時是繞著條理去走,腦的想法跟著理路前進,干擾的問題被降低,甚至不重要! 還可能因為太專心沒聽到。
But if we change the Practice from jhāna to reasoning, we would not face the challenges of the environment as much. Reasoning uses thinking and reason to Practice Buddhism. It requires a quiet environment as well, but since it requires thinking, absolute quietness is not required. Thinking follows a track, and the brain will move forward within the track as well. The problem of interference will be minimized, even become unimportant. It is even possible to be so concentrated that you will not hear anything.
一個是要求環境的幫忙,不能如願時,還可能引發情緒的暴怒, 一個是隨時帶著走的修法,還可以隨功力愈深,愈能排解外面的困難,讀者要選哪個 ?
One requires help from the environment, and when it does not occur, an episode of rage might occur. Another is a Practice that can be tried anywhere, and with practice, can remove external problems. Which one would you choose?
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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