2011年11月8日 星期二

弱點 1 Weaknesses 1

As we have discussed before, the goal of our method is to change ourselves by conquering our weaknesses. The first step to conquer our weaknesses is to understand ourselves.

正如之前討論過,我們法門的目標是從征服我們的弱點去改變自己。 征服弱點的第一步是要了解自己。

Most of our weaknesses are easy to detect. The three poisons of Greed, Anger, Ignorance are the most recognizable ones. Most people know when they have succumbed to one of these three, it is only a matter of whether they acknowledge it or not. These weaknesses are easy to detect because they are aggressive in nature. They cause you to lash out at someone or something.


However, the recipients of these aggressions have weaknesses that they need to eliminate as well. Because if you received and did not properly take care of these aggressions, you will accumulate negative karma as well. However, these weaknesses are usually not talked about in most Buddhist teachings because they usually are lumped into dukkha (suffering).

然而,接受這些攻擊的人,也有弱點需要消除。 如果您無法應付攻擊,也會累積「業障」。

Why do the victims accumulate negative karma? Because they received a Karmic Result that is negative in nature.

為什麼受害者會累積「業障」?因為他們得到的「果」是 「惡」性的。

For example, when you are mugged on the street, not only do you loss some money, you will also fear walking on the street or people who might dress and looked like your attacker. As a result, you might be less likely to go out and interact with people. You become afraid.

例如,您在街上被搶,不但損失了一些錢,以後出門,對街上的人也會提高警覺、神經兮兮。 因此,您可能不敢出門、與人交往,因為害怕。

Your boyfriend has a fight with you. And instead of fighting back, you go back to your place and cried. You become sad.


Karmic Result of these types will slowly change you and make you weaker, and the result is that you will not be able to live freely.


We have all heard stories of the victim of domestic violence. We have all marveled at these victim, and don't understand why they don't leave earlier. The truth of the matter is that they cannot because the negative Karmic Result of the violence has made them weak and unable to face their situation. They want to escape, but cannot because of this all too real negative karma. It's only when they received external help, or their fear for their lives is greater than their fear of the attacker, that they are able to seek alternatives.


These Karmic Results create a feedback loop in victims, and we all have them because we have all been attacked before, one way or another. We all have two poisons of "Fear" and "Sorrow" in us as well.

這些「惡果」在受害者裡循環強化, 我們也都有,因為我們都被攻擊跟受傷過。 我們都有「怖」(恐懼,憂心)和「悲」(悲傷)這兩毒在自我意識裡。

If we want to find the Truth, these two poisons also need to be eliminated.

