前段說到遺傳基因,看起來挺悲觀的,但不要忘了還有一種可能 {蓮花化生}。 可以這樣! 生命便可開展另一種形式,努力以赴的往新的目標紮根,根據經驗採了剎車以後,要在這裡重新建立一種全新自我的想法,也許你已習慣消極,沒有外面的掌聲很難積極,但既然有勇氣採剎車,就必須在這裡堅持! 自己給自己掌聲。
Previously, we talked about the limits heredity and genetics placed upon us, and it seems very pessimistic. But let us not forget the possibility that was mentioned with the phrase: "reborn from lotus flowers". If you can do this, then life can start anew with a new form. Then you can work on establishing a root to a new goal.
Based on experience, after you have stopped wallowing in negative emotions, it is hard to create an idea of a new me. Maybe it is because you are used to passivity, and it is hard to be motivated without applauds from the outside. But if you have the courage to stop, then you will need to preserver here and give yourself the applauds you need.
You should make efforts in this situation and continue to think about the meaning of Buddha's teachings, and let them sink into you. Then, you will be able to transform these ideas into useable forces.
五年到十年間奠下基礎,覺得很久嗎? 不會! 這可是一件大工程,所以要像馬拉松選手一樣,訓練耐力、 抗壓力、 持久力。 真能產生扭轉的力量,哪怕一點! 都足以讓你的人生起變化,生命的價值難道不是在覺得渺小飄搖的人海裡,找到自己! 又很真實的看到自己嗎? 很夠本的。
It takes about 5 to 10 years to establish a foundation here. Feels like a long time? Not really! This is a big task, so you need to have the mentality of a marathon runner. You need to develop endurance, anti-stress ability and patience. This can really create the catalyst of change in you. Even just a little bit will make a change in your life.
Isn't the purpose of life finding yourself in the ocean of humanity and see the true you?
盡全力在這裡紮根,不讓自己又被以往拖回去! 一定要讓自己跟以往畫出分水嶺, 一遍又一遍的堅持,等待! 自己在用功後的成熟。
You need to make every effort to establish a root here, and don't let yourself be drag back to the past. You must draw a line between yourself and the past. You need to persist, over and over, and wait for the moment of maturity after your hard efforts.
半寄 Master Ban Ji