2011年11月3日 星期四

佛教還債說 第四步 Paying Karmic Debt with Buddhism, The Fourth Step


If you have tried all you can, but do not feel like you are able to move yourself along. You might have to consider the reason is lack of "good karma". Lacking "good karma" is like a car without fuel, and you must find a way to accumulate "good karma."

這時候修福必須納進來,修福大約的兩個方向,出錢或出力,用實際的付出行為,替自己儲藏動力,這是一定的,但什麼管道付出? 在自己做得到的範圍,或者社會上慈善機構很多,這裡不再贅述。

There are typically two methods to accumulate "good karma", donate money or donate effort. You must provide concrete and visible efforts to help you store "good karma" in order to provide the fuels that will enable you to move forward. But how do you to put forth the efforts? You should do whatever is within your abilities, or you can do so with one of the many charitable organizations in the world.

有了福報的加持,至少可以先喘口氣,這種喘息是要讓自己有時間安靜下來,多想想為什麼走不動了? 人生的路就是這樣! 也要常常檢查,習慣了就知道怎麼修理自己,是真的、自己要學會修理自己,斯文一點講: 就是自己要教養自己,讓自己達到一個自我界定的滿足點。 自我教養可以做到,代表你已有力量!

Once you have the support of "good karma", at least you will be able to take a breath and rest. This is so that you have the time to think about the reason for your lack of progress. This is just the way of life. If you check yourself often, you will figure out how to fix yourself. Another way of saying this is that you need to teach yourself to arrive at a self-defined point within you. If you can do this, "self-education," you will have the ability to move forward.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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