惡業的纏繞很痛苦的 ,在看過泰國一部電影裡 ,描述主角病痛纏身 ,會自己認為是當兵殺人的結果 ,但重點是他是保衛自己的人,不是入侵者 ,那為什麼有宗教信仰或慈悲心的人 ,總會認為自己錯 ? 惡業固然可怕,但也不是一概用消極認錯法想解決 !
To be entwined in bad deeds is very painful. I remember a Thai movie that had a protagonist living with many kind of terrible ailments. To the protagonist, these ailments are the consequences of the people he killed as a solider. And as a solider, he was someone who was protecting himself, and not an aggressor. But why should people who have religious faith or compassion always think they are in the wrong? Bad deeds might be terrible, but should we always use passive methods of admitting errors as a way to fix them?
This way of interpreting karma as result of "bad deeds" will only cause people who should repent to not repent, and people who should not repent to always suffer for their errors.
The cause of an issue can have uncountable number of reasons, and we are not in any position to judge. More over, we should not always blame ourselves. Little people like us can only hope to have a clear and rational mind, so that we don't loss composure when faced with difficulties.
而懺悔者面對自己,也需要提出具體的自我對治方法 ,不使自己的懺悔流於形式,自欺欺人,用真正行動力徹底挽救自己 。
You need to face yourself as you repent, and come up with concrete methods to correct and change yourself. Repentance should not be formulaic and shallow, because it will only cause you to deceive yourself. You need to use real behaviors to save yourself.
半寄 Master Ban Ji