Previously, we have outlined human weaknesses into five basic poisons, Greed, Anger, Ignorance, Fear and Sorrow. However, this does not mean that this is all there is, and does not mean that these five poisons can be consider to be separated and allow us to focus on them one at the time.
之前,我們概述了人性的弱點, 也把它分為五毒, 「貪」,「瞋」,「痴」,「怖」和「悲」。但這不表示五毒可以被考慮分開,也不表示這是所有的弱點。
Human emotions are very complicated. The reason that we have outlined these five categories is to make it easier to discuss. We could name hundreds if not thousands of different emotions, but that will be too many, and cause people to worry about creating bad karma all the time. We could also generalize these emotions and call them "human nature", but that's too board and can cause people not knowing where to begin.
人性是非常複雜的。 提出這五個類別的原因,是讓我們比較容易討論人性的弱點。 當然,我們也可以分類得非常細,來討論數百種不同的情緒。 但這似乎太多,會讓大家生活得很辛苦,常常提心吊膽、怕造「惡果」。我們也可以概括這些稱之為「人性」,但這樣太廣泛了,讓人不知道該從哪裡開始。
These categories exist for the convenience of discussion.
Another difficulty is that these emotions intertwines. The emotion that we see on the surface may not be caused by that weakness. For example, appearance of anger can be the result of Sorrow, and appearance of greed can be result of Fear.
另一個困難是,這些情緒是糾結的。 表面看到的情緒,不一定跟內心的情緒一樣。 「瞋」的外觀可能是內心的「悲」所創造的,或「貪」的外觀可能是內心的「怖」所引發的。
To prevent himself to be yelled at, your boyfriend could start by be angry with you, so he doesn't have to feel the Sorrow that he is expecting.
He's greedy about money, because he is afraid that he might end up broke. But he's afraid of been broke (Fear), because he wants to avoid the sorrow of seeing his father penniless begging on the street (Sorrow).
But people outside of you cannot tell them apart. They could say you appear angry, but they don't really know why. Only you know why and sometime, the root of the emotions runs very deep, underneath many different levels.