Many Buddhist books and instructions talked about jhāna (zazen, meditation)[Note] as an essential element in Buddhist Practices. Jhāna is even part of the 6 paramitas. However, this topic has not received much attention on this blog. Main reason is that we felt understand yourself is more important. The other reason is that my own personal progress on this is not very far, and that this is something that will come naturally as one's Buddhist wisdom improves.
許多佛教書籍都有談到「禪定」,對他們而言,「禪定」是一個修行的基本要素,也是六度波羅蜜其中之一。但是在這個部落格,我們還沒有對「禪定」有任何的觀點說法。 主要的原因是我們覺得「了解自己」比較重要;另外一個原因是我自己對「禪定」不是很有經驗,再加上我認為一旦您有「慧」,對於「禪定」的瞭解就比較簡單。
However, I can share some of my experiences with you in case anyone cares.
The first time I was able to have any sort of accomplishment in meditation was very accidental. It was actually my first time attempting it as well.
I was on a short business trip to the U.S.. While at U.S., I had some terrible joint pains, probably due to physical and mental exhaustion, and changes in the environment. On the trip to the U.S., I read some Buddhist books and read about anattā and jhāna. So one afternoon, while I was still suffering from jet lag and in pain, I thought I gave it a shot. To see if I can reduce my pain somehow.
那時,我出差回美國。在美國的時候,我的關節炎又發作、非常疼痛,有可能是身心疲憊和環境變化所造成的。在回美國的飛機上,讀了些有關於「無我」和「禪定」的書。 某天下午,在還有時差和疼痛感的時候,決定試試「禪定」,看能不能減少疼痛感。
So I lay down and proceeded to think about anattā and Śūnyatā and Nidānas. I was actually having an internal debate with myself. I guess I was so focused on the debate, I deceived my body. It proceeded to fell asleep without me. In hindsight, I knew it fell asleep because I could hear its breathing changed from normal to slow, to even slower. I, of course had no idea what I was experiencing, but felt that it was rather interesting. I tried to observe the situation, and was trying to figure out how to do experiments, but I found that it was difficult to maintain such a state. I soon "woke up."
所以我躺下來,開始思考跟自我辯論「無我」、「空」和「因緣」。在那麼專注的思考中,我覺得身體睡著了。 現在回想起來,我知道身體睡著了,因為可以聽到它的呼吸從正常改為慢,然後更慢。
Noticed that I didn't do anything that any traditional books said about practicing jhāna. I was not in a sitting upright lotus position. I did not do any of the recommended methods, such as counting breath, as a way to focus the mind. I did not try to let my mind be empty. I was just relaxed and focus on a problem that I was trying to understand.
After that day, I have continued practicing meditation, sometimes with success, but never to the depth that I have achieved that first time. Initially, there would be times that I simply could not relax or focus. I didn't know why, but I would feel anxious as soon as I closed my eyes, so I simply didn't try meditation when this happened. Other times, my concentration simply would not last. However, most of times, when I was able to enter into a focused condition, I usually ended up "sleeping." I put "sleeping" in quotes because while I don't have any conscious in this state, I would often wake abruptly, and the experience of waking from this state is different than waking from normal sleep. So I think that this "sleep" is not the same as normal sleeping, but of course I can't be sure.
那天之後,我繼續練習「禪定」,有時成功,不過從來沒有像第一次那樣。有時,我根本不能放鬆或入「定」,因為只要閉上眼睛,我就會覺得煩,卻也不知道為什麼而煩。 其他時候,我的「定」力無法持續,然而大多數的時候,當我能夠入「定」,就會「睡」著。
用「睡」這個字,是因為在那當下,我沒有任何意識, 可是會突然「醒」來, 跟平常睡醒的感覺不一樣。 所以認為,這種「睡」跟是普通的睡眠不一樣,但當然不能十分肯定。
As I have more practices, I found that it gets easier to get into the focused and/or "sleeping." states. I found that I can do that while walking, sitting, watching TV or laying down. My favorite time right now for practicing jhāna is actually in the afternoon. Laying down on the sofa and going into the "sleeping" state for just 10 minutes does wonders to my energy level for the rest of the day, simply because when I wake up from the "nap", I felt so refreshed. It is good to practice meditation at night before going to bed as well. However, once I am awake from the meditation, it becomes hard to fall asleep because I felt rested already. My wife hates it when I turn back and forth on the bed all night.
有了多次練習後,我發現現在很容易進入「定」或「睡」的狀態,能在行走、坐、 臥或看電視時入「定」。 我最喜歡在下午入「定」,躺在沙發上,10分鐘進出「睡」的狀態,能給我非常好的精神。 晚上睡覺前入「定」也不錯,只是出「定」之後,會很難繼續睡覺,因為太有精神了。 我太太很討厭我整晚在床上翻來翻去。
As far as the different stages of jhāna is concern, I am not sure I really care about them. Why? Because my goal is to find the Truth, not to be a master practitioner of meditation. I am fully content that meditation allows me to have a quality rest.
我不會很在乎書上所寫「禪定」可以達到的境界。 為什麼呢?因為我的目標是尋找真相,不是成為一個「禪定」大師。「禪定」讓我有很好的睡眠品質, 這樣就很滿意了。
[Note] There seems to be many different names that English speakers use to refer to 禪定. Different schools probably translate this differently, depending on their country of origin. I'll use jhāna, zazen and meditation interchangeably here.