2011年11月5日 星期六

佛教還債說 第六步 Paying Karmic Debt with Buddhism, The Sixth Step

在上面說的點努力幾年,打下一個好的基礎,因在這裡紮根有了力量,對空法的了解會多一點,也會有一些力量接受它,空法的體悟進入一些在心裡以後,會真正感受内心空間度的射放,這時能力已開始增強,更俱備賺錢能力,也俱足往上爬的本錢,拿這些去還債! 拿這些讓自己重生! 重罪輕受不是不能實現的,

Previously, I talked about putting forth efforts for a few years to create a good foundation. Because once your root is deep and strong enough, you will be able to empirically understand Śūnyatā a bit more. You will also be able to tolerate and accept Śūnyatā. Once you have embraced Śūnyatā, you will be able to feel your mind opening up. At this time, your abilities will start to increase. You will have the capital and the ability to earn enough to pay back your karmic debt. After paying back the karmic debt, you can then use this ability to reborn. "Serious wrongs can be lightly punished" is not impossible.

佛陀說過一種情形,叫勘忍,意思是俱有忍耐能力的人,用馱負性質的忍耐,完成一連串看似艱難的內容,人生到此多少可以: 坐看雲起時

Buddha described a condition called "Kan Ren"[Note 1], this means that a person with the quality of endurance, like enduring a heavy pack on the back, can finish a series of seeming difficult tasks under difficult situation. When you have arrived at this point, you will be able to "Sit and watch clouds form."[Note 2]

半寄 Master Ban Ji

[Note 1] 勘忍 "Ken Ren": I really cannot find a good English translation for this phrase. So I left them phonetically.

[Note 2] 坐看雲起時 "Sit and watch clouds form.": This is from a poem written by a poet in the Tang dynasty, Wang Wei. The original poem is 「行到水窮處,坐看雲起時」 "Reached the place with no water, Sit and watch clouds form." Literally, this means that when you are following the river toward its source and reached the end that you can no longer see any water, it is time to sit and look at the cloud forms. To me, this means that once you have finished a series of difficult tasks, you are ready for the next stage. Other people might disagree.

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