2011年11月15日 星期二

業的學理 4 A Discourse on Deeds 4


In some Buddhist Texts, Buddha provided the following story regarding "bad deeds": An ox was trying to escape from its oxcart. The owner saw its attempt, and lassoed it back. The owner put the ox back with the oxcart and also added locks and chains so that ox cannot try to escape again. The meaning behind this story is that if a person is trying to escape from paying off his karmic debt, this is what will happen to him.

一般人總以為自己很聰明,可以想辦法逃避,如果有一天你自己發覺,你只是被圏住的人,這時還會認為自己厲害? 業是人造成的,想改變由行動做起,哪怕人在大環境裡! 自己努力依然能創造好的果實,

Most people always think of themselves as very smart, and can always find ways to avoid karmic debts. However, if you find that you are on a leash, would you still think you are so smart? Deeds are always caused by people. If you want to change them, you need to start with actions. Efforts can still create good results.

學佛法是因我們太平凡,太貧瘠,想從覺悟者身上學到他的解脫! 他的智慧! 不是要陷自己於更消極的處境,一個由人一生所演練成的自我世界,層層幸福也好,層層苦難也罷! 請好好的品嚐,好與壞都能再度啟發自己,帶自己去看之前想都不曾想過的生命,所有的成長都在事情裡,我們不能假設事情該如何對待自己? 卻該讓自己在成與敗之間,站穩。

We learn Buddhism because we are too ordinary and impoverished, so that we try to learn how the "awaken one" achieved his release and his wisdom. We don't learn Buddhism so that we can sink ourselves into more passive and negative situations. Our worlds are created by ourselves, accumulated and through the actions of our lifetime. It is full of blessings and sufferings, that we should savor, because the goods and the bads can always stimulate and enlighten us. They can let us see what we thought was not possible. We grew with the issues that we faced, and we cannot assume how these issues will treat us. We should stand tall between success and failure.

連還債時都是這樣的態度,還怕還不完嗎? 請看看自己替自己建構了什麼世界? 該如何下手整理。

If you can have this type of attitude when it comes to paying back karmic debt, you should not worry about not be able to pay it off. Please see for yourself the world that you have created, then you will know how to change it.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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