2011年11月1日 星期二

佛教還債說 第二步 Paying Karmic Debt with Buddhism, The Second Step

真的意識到債脫不掉時,除負面情緒先踩剎車外,試著看自己不滿意的遭遇,是否來自家庭的教養? 家庭給予的對人、對事的做法與教導,或自己一再受挫(甚至順遂變寵壞)養成的極端 。

When you get to a point that you think you cannot discard the karmic debt, other than to put a stop to negative emotions, you can try to see if all the unsatisfactory experience came from the teaching of the family, or from your own past experiences of constant failures, or even constant successes.

有人說我生下來命運就不好,但先找點下手一樣能改造,只是看了上面說的家庭影響力就知道、一種態度乃至於想法、從小到大在養成,時間很久、吸收對的非常好,不對的很慘! 因為根紮的很深。

People will say that they are born with bad luck. But bad luck can be changed if you can find a place to start. As mentioned above, our attitudes and ideas are cultivated from our youth to old age. If we absorbed the "good" lessons, then our lives will improve. However, if we absorbed the "bad" lessons, then the result will be miserable. Because the root runs deep.

如果不是真感受到惡業糾纏的可怕! 或動彈不得的痛苦是無法下決心面對的,真要面對會陷入天人交戰的痛苦! 這種痛苦真只能求菩薩加持了,中國小說封神榜裡的哪吒,要修道時先剔骨肉還父母、再蓮花化身,是高明的小說家看出遺傳基因的厲害,要進步得先跨出先天受限的這一大關,這一大關石破天驚! 看官先休息一下。

If you don't feel the horror of struggles with bad karma, or the pain caused by inability to change, it will be very difficult be determined to face your karmic debt. The pain of facing your karmic debt really can use the blessing of Bodhisattva.

In the Chinese story The Investiture of the Gods, before Nezha started his path to become a deity, he needed to cut his flesh off his skeletons and return both the flesh and the bone to his parents. Only then, was he able to reborn from lotus flowers. The novelist was brilliant. He was able to understand the importance of heredity and genetics, and that in order to improve oneself, one must remove the limitations that came with birth. This was a ground breaking idea. So ground breaking, let us rest a bit.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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