According to Buddhist Texts, every Buddha and Bodhisattva, created their worlds after many trials, will have some protective powers. Mantra is only one of them. Why does this happen?
可以這麼說成佛是很困難的一件事,修練時期必須具備六波羅蜜(布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定、智慧 ) ,在生命漫長過程中,甚至於是生生世世的去做這些事,佛教承認輪迴的存在,人死後會再一次的投胎轉世,所以可以延續去做上輩子沒完成的事,不過不是每個人 都可以這樣,想做什麼都可以去做,至少是有福報的力量在背後支持的結果,而福報的意義是上輩子有累積存款的代表,今世做的善行為也是。
It is suffice to say that it is very difficult to become a Buddha. On the path, a practitioner must possesses the 6 Pāramitā (Dāna, Sīla, Kṣānti, Viriya, Paññā, Dhyāna) during his lifetime, or even during many many life times. Buddhism recognizes the existence of rebirth. When people die, they will come back to the world so that they can continue with the tasks they did not finish in the previous life time. But not everyone is able to choose. Only people with enough good karma can have a choice. Good karma means that he has accumulated some savings in the previous life, and the virtuous deeds in this life can do the same as well.
想想一種生生世世都造福於人群的舉動,會為修行者累積下多少的福報 ?這恐怕是算不清的 ! 佛經上說諸佛、菩薩、用祂們建立的福報,去成就屬於每個成就者的國度,有國度就有侵犯者 ,咒語便在這種情形下產生。
Let us consider that if a practitioners is doing everything he can to benefit mankind, for many many life times, what kind of good karma would this person possesses? Probably uncountable. Buddhist Texts said that Buddhas and Bodhisattva use their good karma to create their world. But if there is a world, there will be invaders. So mantra was created.
Some Buddhas and Bodhisattvas' worlds do not have invaders, but that is out of the scope of this discussion.
半寄 Master Ban Ji