咒語對佛教徒來說應該都不陌生,可是也說不上來它是什麼? 對初看佛經的人而言,更會被一大串聽都聽不懂的語言,弄得一頭霧水! 不管新進者或久入佛門的信眾,相信對咒語都是有聽沒有懂,為什麼有這麼多不同的咒語? 又為什麼需要這麼多咒語? 稍微來談一下。
Mantras should be something that Buddhists are familiar with. But I think that most Buddhists cannot explain it. Someone who looked at Buddhist Texts for the first time must be confused with a string of incomprehensible sounds. I am sure that most new comers to Buddhism only hear the sounds of mantra and do not understand any of it. Why are there so many mantras, and why are they necessary? Let's discuss.
佛教界最為信眾所知的咒語,莫過於六字大明咒,大悲咒、這兩個咒語都跟觀世音菩薩有關連, 咒語在華人世界一直都是採取音調,字義直接寫上來,也就是翻譯經文,不翻譯咒語, 因為咒語被列入佛、菩薩、心語,屬於神秘世界的語言,每一位佛、菩薩,都擁有自己的心語,所以可以看見每一部佛經,都有屬於那部經典咒語的出現,但意思是什麼自古以來就無解!
The most popular mantras in the world of Buddhism probably are "Om mani padme hum" and the "Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī ". These two mantras are related to Avalokiteśvarā. In the Chinese culture, mantra are never translated, and only the sound of the mantra is maintained. Mantras are considered to be a mystical language and are part of Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Bodhisattva's own languages. Every Buddha and Bodhisattva have their own languages, so if you read a Buddhist Text, you will see the mantra related to that Buddhist Text. But the meanings of these mantra are never explained.
Use mysterious languages to explain mantra will let it become even more mystical. Since there are very little information available to explain it, some knowledge of it is better than no knowledge.
半寄 Master Ban Ji