地獄! 所有的宗教都會提到的地方,有很多人好奇的想知道,究竟在哪裡? 有人認為地球中心是熱的,地獄應該在那裡,很多借現象界有的情形,去說明地獄的所在,以佛教觀點來看地獄不見得在特定的地方,畢竟地獄講的已是最惡劣的苦果,尤其佛教不講神的審判,當然也無需設制地獄的牢籠,來懲罰有罪的人。
Hell, a place mentioned by all religions. Many people are curious about its actual location. Some people think that center of the earth is hot, so hell must be there. Others used the phenomenons of the worlds to explain location of hell. From the point of view of Buddhism, hell does not have to be someplace in particular. Because hell is about the worst possible karmic result that one could get. Since Buddhism is not about the judgement of gods, there is no need to create a jail, like hell, to punish people who made mistakes.
一個佛教徒首先一定要清楚,佛陀看見的世界很多部份是別人給祂的想法,例如: 看見一個有福報的人,用祂的觀察去知道他的福是怎麼形成的,看見一個受苦的人們為什麼這麼痛苦? 也是動用觀察的結果,這裡面有的是現象已存在,借現象去說明它背後的原因而已,所以說佛教是無神論者,除了自己的行為產生的限制外,大時代產生的戰亂,歸類於惡業的共業,大時代的繁榮,是福報聚集的共業,沒有神可以審判誰?!
A Buddhist must understand that most of the world that Buddha saw are result of watching other people's lives and behaviors. For example, when he looked at a person with good karma, his observation would showed how good karma formed. He also observed why people suffered. The phenomenons already exist, and he used his observations to explain the reason for the phenomenons. So Buddhism is atheistic. Other than the restrictions caused by one's own behaviors, the time of wars and conflicts are the collective bad karmic result of the people. But the prosperous era is also the collective good karmic result as well. There is no god to judge.
根據這樣的理論,地獄如果存在,可能是如影隨形的跟著有這種業力的人身上,進而演化成個人的遭遇,成為看得見的苦難,以非洲的苦難情況而言,就算有那麼多的善心人士伸出援手,食物還是送不進去,一定要送就得冒著生命的危險,不是地獄是什麼? 連被救濟都顯得困難!
According to this type of theory, if hell does exist, it should be following the person with bad karmic results. The bad karmic results further manifest itself as personal encounters and become visible sufferings. If we use the suffering of the African continent as an example. Many charitable people and organizations are trying to help, but they must risk their lives to just to sent food to the needed. If this is not hell? What is? Even helping them is difficult.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
2 則留言:
電蚊燈 wrote
I felt like I was struck by lightening when I read "world that Buddha saw are result of watching other people's lives and behaviors". This sentence cleared a long time doubt. Many Buddhist texts said "Buddha knows all." Even many masters said that all the modern sciences are part of Buddha's "infinite knowledge." All the things in the past, now and the future are all part of Buddha's mind. I have always thought that if this is the case, then wouldn't Buddha be "God"? How do I learn from Buddha the God?
After reading this article, my opinion is that "Buddha knows all" should be treated as "Buddha 'can' know all". Buddha's ability allowed him to learn the Ying-Yuan of all things. I think that Buddha need to "learn" as well. (I might get beat up for saying that." If I met the Buddha that is learning the internet, I'll bow and catch both of his feet. (Then tell him my facebook and email ID. HA.)