一直以為佛學從哲學變為宗教後,說法一直傾向消極論,甚至連消極也不須理由。 就是一個「苦」字括代一切,直把千年思想逼至牆角;
I always thought that when Buddhism transformed from philosophy to religion, its wordings became negative and passive, and it doesn't even need a justification for this negativity. Everything is summed up in one word, "dukkha" (suffering), and pushed thousand years of finest thoughts into a corner.
一個思想體系形成,中間思辯再思辯,更甚者得付出生命代價,連佛陀成道,也是 對印度思 想再提昇、再重新出發的代表解釋,過程中一再經歷的誤解與追殺,還 是牽扯新舊思想 的相互不容,人為問題尚且不論,就是因為能建立相當的思考架 構,佛法才能廣為流傳,否則早在古代思想蓬勃、群雄並起時,就已被淘汰,那能流傳至今?
Formation of an ideology is not a simple matter. It must went through numerous debates. Sometimes, practitioners must sacrifice their lives for their ideas. Buddha took the ideas and concepts of the Indian culture of his time, elevated them and created new interpretations. In the process, he was hunted for his ideas and experienced many misunderstandings, all because of the incompatibility between the new and the old ideas, not to mention man-made problems. But because he was able to create a comprehensive framework, Buddhism is able to spread and endure. Otherwise, in the ancient time when there are a lot of competing ideas, Buddhism would already be eliminated.
反倒今人思想墮落不說,還拚了命拿最簡單的想法硬擠掉千年命脈,真是苦哉! 〈這個苦字當比前面那個苦字了得!〉。
Then, we look at today. People's thoughts not only have deteriorated further, they also work hard to use the simplest words to squeeze out the lifeblood of the idea of the millennium. This is really suffering. (This suffering is even more so that the "dukkha" used previously.)
以消極的觀點看,人間是一個屠宰場!逼得人無處容身!然而在大環境裏,人類 自己已經取得生活優勢,反而逼迫其他動物無法生存,那人如不能在人的優勢環境 中生存,理當也是人自己的問題。不從人自己身上下手,問題怎麼解決?而且人有相當不能理解的感情、負面的作為,如一再拿消極的方式面對,是否與吸嗎啡一般,陷入更多的迷惘?
From a negative point of view, the world is a slaughterhouse. People are forced to have nowhere to go. However, in this environment, mankind has the superiority and is able to force other creatures to extinction. If people cannot survive in an environment when mankind has the advantage, it should be mankind's problem. If we don't start with ourselves, how do we solve this problem? Furthermore, mankind have many irrational emotions and negative behaviors, if we keep use passive and negative methods to face these negativity, will it be similar to smoking opium, sinking further into more confusion?
多年來,致力於慧學的努力,以前覺得慧多定少,心易浮動;如今卻覺慧學愈多, 愈風清月明!當然是有條件的,至少是一個自我思想體系的完成!
Over the years, I have dedicated myself to learn the wisdom of Buddha. Before, I always felt that I have more wisdom than concentration, because my mind can wander easily. But now, I think that as I accumulate more Buddhist wisdom, I see more clearly. Of course there is a pre-requisite for this clarity, and it is the completion of an ideological framework within myself.
試著用粗淺一些的文字,表達對「空法」的理解,許多未完善處,留予探討者去挖 掘!畢竟不是理論式的窮闢精晰!
I tried to use some simple words to expression my understanding of Śūnyatā. This might not be complete, and I'll save them for the explorers to discover the rest for themselves. After all, this is not an attempt at exhaustive discourse.
祇拿出個人認為的重點,加以論述!有心者理當再深入,或許勤於動腦的結果,也 會帶來駐立於人世間的良緣善機!
This is a personal view of the important issues in Buddhism. If you are interested, you should definitely research further. May the result of your own efforts will bring you good karma and good opportunities in the future.
Waiting for the spring wind to bloom
Only to fall when the wind blows
中華民國九十二年九月 半寄於南禪精舍
September, 2003 Ban Ji at Nan Zen Vihara