2011年12月3日 星期六

前世今生 1 Past and Present Lives 1

看見很多探討所謂公平的理論,不是激動的認為社會不公平,就是說競爭的不公平,世間不平事何其多 ? 而探討內容再如何精彩,還是無解 !

There are many discussion about fairness. These discussions are either about the unfairness of the society, or the unfairness of competitions. Isn't it a given that the world is full of unfairness? Regardless of how exciting these discussions are, the issues of unfairness remains.

這才是最遺憾的,古往今來,人窮盡多少腦力想解開生命的謎題? 結果是聽的人有聽沒有懂,更可能是說的人也是茫茫然 !

This is what's regrettable. From ancient times to today, many people have exhausted so much efforts hoping to solve the puzzle of life. The result is that people listened, but do not understand. Of course, speakers are probably confused as well.

立足點的公平,教育大部份做得到,其餘混雜很多機會與機運問題,機會與機運有很多人為可以操控的空間,所以往往令世人無法接受,但這裏頭真是這麼的複雜? 令人忿忿不平?

In most cases, education can provide a basis for fairness. The rests are mixed with chances and luck. But there are rooms for manipulation on the matters of chance, so people usually cannot accept them as fair. But is it really this complicated that people cannot help but feel upset over this?


Buddhism provides an answer.

推論前世我是什麼樣的人,或許不重要,但是自己究竟做了什麼事,很重要。假設你是老師很盡責的教育學生,這輩子一定被教育得好,至少會碰上好老師,以佛教的觀點來說,這是你上輩子教育別人的積蓄,所以這方面會特別得到照 顧。這不是機會與機運,是你的優良行為造成。

The identity of your previous life is not important. It is more important to know what you did in your previous life. For example, if you were a teacher in the previous life, and you did your very best in educating your students. Then you will receive a good education this life time. At least, you will meet good teachers. From the Buddhists' perspective, this is the savings that you have accumulated with your performance as an educator in your previous life time, so you will be able to withdraw these savings in the form of a good education in this one. This is not about chance and fortune. This is the result of your good behavior.

半寄 Master Ban Ji
