2011年12月30日 星期五

不需要神秘經驗的修行 3 There is no Need for Practice with Mystical Experiences 3


After systematically training your brain, it will be able to enter into a world that an untrained brain cannot understand. This is the state of samadhi. The state of samadhi differs according to the practitioner's level and training.

一般的情形是,到山區尤其是深山,也較容易修練定的練習,原因在於山區的能量,本來就比較安靜、簡單、提供你的資訊少,大腦就算要胡思亂想,也沒有大量可以吸收的來源,再加上自己用功於腦力的集中,要練習入定是較占優勢的,這可用來解釋, 為什麼密宗在西藏,可以在黑洞閉關,一進去竟然能長達一、二、十年之久。

Normally, it is easier to practice samadhi in the mountains, especially those in the very remote area. Because there are less energy in mountain; it is already quiet and simple, so the environment itself feeds less information to your brain. Even if your brain wants to have distracting thoughts, there are not a lot of information that it can absorb. Plus, if a practitioner is putting efforts in focusing his brain, it is easier to enter into a state of samadhi. This can explain why practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism can stay in a cave for 10 to 20 years.

再有科學家對這一點應該非常有興趣,那就是時空感的不同,第1篇有提過入定的時間感覺不一樣,修行者處於入定狀態時,跟一般人的時空感,大大不同,他的幾分鐘可能是一般人的幾小時,甚至是幾天! 這種明明是一樣的肉體 ,卻處於不同空間,那種感覺只有修行者自己明瞭,經過這樣的解釋,神祕感應該消失了,就算無法修習入定,也應該明白是怎麼一回事,

Further, there is something might be of interest to scientists. In the state of samadhi, the practitioner's concept of space and time is different than those of people not in samadhi. His few minutes could be our few hours, even few days! This feeling, of a same body in a different space, can only be understood by the practitioner. After this explanation, you should no have any sense of mystery surrounding samadhi. Even if you cannot do it yourself, you will at least know what this mean.


People are used to deny ideas that they have not experienced themselves. You cannot always understand other people's experiences. There are still many unanswered questions about space and time in the universe, but people who are interested will take time to figure them out.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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