2011年11月4日 星期五

佛教還債說 第五步 Paying Karmic Debt with Buddhism, The Fifth Step


I wonder if readers are clear about the "Self-Education" mentioned in the previous article.

這是一種自我要求, 譬如: 遇事會衝動的人,跟自己比,看同樣的情緒有沒有得到進一步的進展。

This is a type of self-demand. For example, a person who is often excitable can compare with himself to see if he has made any progress when he's under the same situation.


Likewise for a weak person. You should use yourself as a measuring stick, and as long as you improve against yourself, that is enough. This is an important point about the desire to improve; just look at yourself.

這絕對不是自我的傲慢! 反而是讓自己安靜的方法,重新塑造自己的第一個條件,先甩開社會給的觀念{競爭},

This is not about narcissistic arrogance! This is a way to let yourself be calm. The first step to create a new self is to throw away the concept of "competition" promoted by the society.

這樣說: 讀者一定又說那生活怎麼辦? 一個比喻: 如果你只有能力賺一百元,請先賺這一百元,等你已有能力賺二百元你再賺二百元,沒有能力的競爭只會更擊毀你,你必須先遠離世俗的見解。

Many readers must clamor "What about the real life?" Here is an analogy, if you can only earn 100 dollars, please earn this 100 dollars first. When you have the ability to earn 200 dollars, then you can go about the business of earning 200 dollars. If you have no ability, competition will only destroy you. You need to get as far away as possible from these worldly ideas.

修道本來就是很個人的事! 自己清楚自己在做什麼最重要,別人明不明白不重要,因為身邊的人,不見得可以接受你只賺一百元,你必須! 必須! 相當清楚自己的立場。在寂寞中支撐自己,在沒有掌聲中建設自己。 要沒辦法撐住,那就不要再抱怨日子不好,因你不願努力。

Practice Buddhism is a very personal matter! The most important thing is to understand what you are doing. It doesn't matter if other people understand, because the people around you cannot necessary accept that you can only earn 100 dollars. But you must, MUST clearly understand your situation. You must support yourself in your solitude, and be able to remake yourself with no applause surrounding you. If you cannot do this, then please do not complain about life, because you are not willing to put forth the efforts.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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