前面說到放下,這邊產生一個矛盾,如果說全部放下,人這個「我」到底該擺在那裏?若說,全部擔著似乎又太多,扛不起,那是不是該像選擇題, 打勾的放下,不打的挑起。
Previously, we discussed detachment, or letting go. This produces a contradiction. If I let go of everything, then what am I? If let us say that we have too much burden on us, too hard to keep everything, then do we treat the problem as a true-false question? We check "true" on what we want to keep, and "false" on what we want to let go?
Let us try another way, is human nature so simple, that it can be partitioned into two categories? Is practicing Buddhism about putting an end to everything, or unlimited expansion of oneself? If it is about limitless expansion of oneself, then freedom of thoughts implied in Śūnyatā should be the primary concern.
什麼是自由思考?比如說,神性思想威脅著你,你不想怎麼知道?但是沒有自由思考作基礎,你敢想嗎?自由當視為寬闊性、平等性,就像空法如預 設了立場,推敲起來便有困難,既然不能預設,便呈現何處不見「空」的蹤跡?也就因為加入自由思考的範圍,人才能更有智慧面對自己。
What is freedom of thoughts? For example, does the idea of God threaten you? How would you know if you don't think about it? But if you don't have a foundation of freedom of thoughts, would you dare? Freedom is wide-open and equal. Just as if Śūnyatā presuppose a point of view, then it might be difficult to scrutinize it. If Śūnyatā does not have a a-priori determination, then would we not see Śūnyatā in everything? Once mankind is free to think, we will be able to face ourselves with wisdom.
其實把人二分法是思想墮落的表徵,明明不那麼單純的現象存在界,卻硬用最簡單的方法加入處理,甚或歸類;便算了事,不是墮落是什麼?就連西方的 科學佔了優 勢,也是先宣告上帝已死後的事,亦即先有思考出來,再去想著下面的路可能呈現的格局,如思想不敢大膽的嚐試新的想法,則纏著小腳,當不致於嫌 其惡臭。一個文化倘使思考能力已喪失,精華便當然跟著消失,無法使精英之人、精華思想流傳。
Actually, partitioning a man into 2 components is a sign of intellectual deterioration. A man is not a simple being. But attempting to use the simplest of methods to handle, even to categorize a human being is a sign of intellectual weakness.
The advantage of Western science started with the pronouncement that "God is dead," before the developments of new ideas and the logical extension of those ideas. If we do not have enough courage to try new ideas, then we would not mind the balls and chains that are on our feet.
If a culture has lost its ability to think, then the cream of the culture will also vanish because there is no way to spread the ideas of the culture's finest and the essences of those ideas to the next generation.
It is difficult to create a cultural peak. In other words, since Śūnyatā is the essence of Buddhism, if Buddhists lost their ability to think, then the concept of Śūnyatā will disappear as well. If we want to understand Śūnyatā, then capturing all available knowledge, and from these knowledge, develop our ability to re-interpret, and develop a systematic approach should help us proceed on the road to Śūnyatā!