2011年10月11日 星期二

佛法的思向 5 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 5


If we can take the "root" of our virtuous root, adding broader ideas, and pointing it at a better reasoning direction. Once we set the root in the right place, once it starts to grow, it can have unlimited potentials.


For example, precepts restrict people's behavior within a certain limit, so people will not attempt anything that is too out of the norm.

If we can take the precepts, and discover for ourselves how we feel about the them; how clear do we understand them; and determine for ourselves if the precepts even necessary.

If we can be clear about the answers to these questions, and even go as far as to understand the historical and cultural backgrounds of the development of these precepts, and how they evolved through space and time; and figure out how to calibrate the precepts between new era and olden days.

Then, these precepts will no longer be religious limits. The Precepts will no longer be compulsive, but voluntary, even become part of one's nature.


Furthermore, if a precept is no longer relevant to the new age, or are incorrect in the first place, do we have the courage to rebel against authority? If we are unable to do so, what's the point of thinking about these rules. If a person is never willing to be responsible for what he believes to be right, not willing to stand behind his ideas, how can we call him a practitioner?


Many times, incomprehensible, but the most urgent and loudest ideas are all authoritarian in nature. Rational ideas tend to calmly stand beside, because rational ideas don't need to be sold by street hawkers.

但修法者到底得為自己的想法負責。 這不但是宣誓自己敢跨出第一步,也為來日的追隨者,做一理性的背書!倘使無法跨出這一步,所謂大人相安在?大人者當有所承擔也,亦是自然之事。

But a practitioner still needs to be responsible for his own ideas. Not only does this tell everyone that he has the courage to take that first step, it also means that he will take responsibilities for his teachings for his followers. If a practitioner cannot take this step, where is the great man? It is only natural that a great man has responsibilities.

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