2012年1月21日 星期六

一即一切 3 One is All 3

在現實的世界裡,一件事是一件事的道理,一件事可以包括或做為表達一切事的說法,是無法理解的,中國唐朝時有一位名叫李渤的人,問智常禪師,經典上說:「芥子納須彌怎麼可能? 」

In the real life, an issue has its own principle. It is not reasonable to think one issue can include or represent all issues. In Tang dynasty, there is a person named Li Bo, he asked Zen Master Zhichang: "Buddhist Texts talked about putting Mount Meru in a mustard seed. How can that be done?"

意思是一個很小單位的東西,怎麼可能裝下像喜馬拉雅山那麼大個的容量,禪師回答說;你讀的書那麼多,為什麼都可以裝在那麼小的腦袋裡? 這也是大與小之間的比喻,看起來是很好的回答,想一下,腦要裝下書的學問,也是一本本消化過的,腦用它的條理去作屬於它範圍能做的事,也不等於書就在腦裡,就算書在腦裡,想運用出來又是另外一套程序,腦也不等於一切,一即是多,如果可以成立,理論內容尚要補述很多。

What this question means is that how can a small item contain something as big as the Himalayas? Zen master replied, "You read so many books, how can they all fit into your brain?" This is another comparison of large and small, and seem like a good answer. But think about it, in order for brain to fit all the knowledge of books, it still needs to digest them one at a time. The brain uses its methods to do what it can. It does not mean that books are in the brain. Even if books are in the brain, it will require another method to take them out and apply them. Furthermore, brain is not "All." In order to establish "one is many", there still a lot of theories that need to be filled out.


In real life, an issue will usually be complicated by the people's relationships or the complexity of the circumstance. The difficulty involved to be "unobtrusive in principle and phenomenon." is unimaginable. A person who actually do things will need to be responsible and accept the results of success and failure. If everything can be "unobtrusive", it will only probably occur in dreams.


Buddhism's elegant beauty was developed by Chinese thoughts. Everyone wants this state of mind, but when they faced the cruel reality, we all hope that we have powerful hands that can pull ourselves out of the situation. Therefore, I choose to Practice amid defects. I choose to face old age, sickness and death first, then work out how to surpass them, and not harmonious perfection.

超越是屬於自己的,有可能! 圓融是對普羅大眾的,難! 話說回來世間真有圓滿,文學是首先消失的,古今中外多少文學之美與殘缺一起發出光芒!

It is possible to surpass yourself. But harmonious perfection is difficult. But, if the world actually has harmonious perfection, literature will probably be the first to disappear. After all, many literary beauties shine alongside with imperfections.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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4 則留言:

半寄 提到...

前幾回的留言, 有說要再補充空的說法, 我說電蚊燈領悟的空法 , 只說對了一小部份 , 其實電蚊燈的想法大部份都在一即一切圍繞 , 空法是廣泛的一切可能 ,卻不是全部, 空法依然在法性之中 , 法性是一種規則, 假使一種不可能存在的因 , 再怎麼努力也創造不出成果來, 這種不能存在的事實, 再談空也無意義 。

元, Yuan 提到...

Master Ban Ji wrote:

I want to add some comments to 電蚊燈's concept of sunyata from a previous comment. He was only partially right, but a lot of his ideas are all about "One is All." Sunyata is about the possibility of everything, but sunyata still must operate under the laws of nature. An Yin (Cause) that cannot possibly exist can never create a result, regardless of efforts. So it is useless to talk about Sunyata of impossible things. The idea for this article, "One is All," was triggered by his comment.

Master Ban Ji

半寄 提到...

補充說明 : 上回的留言日期是2011年10月15日,因緣果還有一個伸展,的標籤裡。可以在那裡找到電蚊燈與我的留言,跟這一則留言 相互比對來看。

元, Yuan 提到...

The comment that Master Ban Ji mentioned is here:

