Buddha's talk of foolish ignorance is about liberation. Buddha did not talk about "Original Sin" and did not emphasize "Morality". He experienced the Truth in the reality. So he had a superior understanding of human emotions such as anger, hate and joy. If you do not face the foolish ignorance (A mind that is filled with "I" that limits reasoning) in people, whatever you said to them will just tie them up so that they suffer without end.
One you have pasted foolish ignorance and really reached anattā, you will see that all relationships between people are free and equal.
Why doesn't Buddhism talk about "Sin"? Because talking about "Sin" cannot solve the fundamental problem of humanity. Everything Buddha taught put great emphasis on "Liberation", hoping that you keep moving forward. Talk of "Sin" will only tie a person down so that he can never lift his head up. But this cannot remove any chance of making mistakes. Buddha wanted you to repent, admit mistakes and do everything you can to reborn.
Actually, at this moment, most of the Buddhism that are taught today is all the teaching of Dharma masters that came after Buddha (Mahāyāna Buddhism). The original teaching of Buddha has not been carried forward. (At least in China, Japan and Korea.)
原因只有一個,百分之九十九的人,都無法依靠自己的心靈、思想而活。 而佛陀正是宣說自由意志、智慧的人。
There is only one reason why this is the case, 99% of the people cannot rely on their own heart and mind. But Buddha is a person that declared freedom of will and wisdom.
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