既然不講原罪,那當然就是講自我的力量。 自己必得正視佛陀的教法,聖者的言語,乃至自己旁邊的善知識,都在提供自己一種力量,自己透過修行,透過努力,把那些別人的軌跡,別人的智慧,變成自己的,那自由的生命才可能產生,而不是等待一個救世主來救救自己。
If we are not talking about original sin, then we are talking about the power from within. You need to correctly understand Buddha's teaching, listening to the words of the saints and the wise people in your surrounding. These are all source of powers. Then you need to make these people's wisdom your own by putting forth efforts into your Practice. It is only then that you will have freedom and not waiting for a savior to come.
Forgiveness should only extend to the acts of the circumstance bigger than what a person can control. But once we need to consider individual actions, then forgiveness should not be extended. Because people usually never put efforts to fight for their own actions.
「惜福」就是人對一種現狀的擁有,產生一種心意的滿足。 人往往忽略自己擁有的一切,所以心老是向外的苦苦追求。
"Cherish your own good fortune" is a feeling of satisfaction one have regarding his possessions. People usually forgot about the things that they already have, so they are always looking for more.
能正視自己擁有的一切,心便能在這種滿足下,稍稍安靜,如此頭腦才有可能清明。 也才能利用這種心境去創造更好的人事及修道。
If you can see clearly what you have, then you will be satisfied and be at peace. Only then will your mind be clear enough to create a better life and Practice.
If you cannot cherish your own good fortune, you will be restless. If your heart is always confused, how would you have a quality life?
You must remember in your Practice: give up reacting to other people, react to Buddha's teaching instead. If you react to other people, you will never be able to accomplish anything.