2012年1月15日 星期日

佛經的人性運用 1 Buddhist Texts' Treatment of Human Nature 1


Establishment of percepts and commandments is an issue that all religions need to face. There is nothing wrong with rules of conducts in an organization, because an organization requires rules to operate. But the problem is that disobedience to these percepts and rules can often be extended to "Sin." "Sin" leads to the feeling of ugliness, and ugliness led people to feel dirty. The desire to Practice was originally a good thing, and it is unfortunately that it leads one to feel dirty.

人一定是有弱點,假使弱點是人性無可避免的,該換個想法讓自己面對,把醜陋看成是自己的絆腳石,絆腳石不設法挪開,修行再努力仍然無法進展,想通了這一點,反而願意讓自己去面對自己的人性醜陋,我在前面的文章一直有提到,個人不願意用極端的想法去說人性,因為那樣不 僅沒有用,而且會製造一個效果,讓每個人都戴上面具,誰會喜歡讓自己的醜陋曝光,一直激烈撻伐人性後,面具愈戴愈深,修行愈來愈遠。

Human beings have weaknesses. Since weaknesses are unavoidable, we should find ways to face them. If we treat ugliness as our blocking stone, we will not get anywhere in our Practice if we don't remove the stone. If you can understand this point, you will be more willing to face the ugliness of your own human nature. As I have mentioned in previous articles, I don't like to think about human nature in extremes. Not only is it useless to do so, it will also cause everyone to put on a mask. Who would want to show his own ugliness to the world? So the more we attack human nature, the further we will retreat behind our masks, and further away from Practice.

把人性的醜陋想成是自己透過修道才明白的自己,這個觀點一旦建設起來,修行大大不同,試問這世間有幾個人? 一出生就是天生麗質,既然人是要被教導,甚至是用修行才能改變的人生,為什麼不願意用健康的觀點來看待人性? 假如修道是件費盡心力的事,更該讓自己早點認識自己的人性,趁著有體力、有腦力時、對自己下手,扭轉不聽指揮的自己,人會有很多醜陋大部份是順從自己的結果,很多的順勢造就漏洞百出的自己,同樣很多的自我要求,造就成功的自己,這其中的關鍵在於自己對人性的看法,是否有能力擺脫醜陋想法的要脅?

If we consider the ugliness of our nature as the self that we will only understand through Practice, our Practice will be completely different. How many people are born a natural beauty? If people need to be educated, or using Practice to change ourselves, why can't we apply a healthier point of view to consider human nature? If Practice requires the devotion of heart and mind, shouldn't we try to understand our human nature first? And do this while we are still strong and healthy? Shouldn't we do this while our mind is still clear, so that we can change ourselves? Many of our ugliness is the result of submission to ourselves. These submissions created many weaknesses. Similarly, we can require a lot of ourselves to create a successful "I." The key is how we look at human nature, and the ability to remove the threat of the thinking that we are "ugly."

半寄 Master Ban Ji
