2011年11月29日 星期二

痴的修法 Reducing Ignorance

在上一篇《瞋的修法》有提到:為正義可以生氣嗎? 「癡」最難的一個題目,因為牽涉思想所以顯得很難,社會的價值觀,個人感情的頑固,層面很大很廣,很難下手寫。

If the article on "Reducing Anger", I raised a question: "Should you be angry in the name of justice?" Ignorance is the hardest topic, because it involves ideas. Ideas are affected by the values of the society, and people's stubbornness when their feelings are involved. There are many levels and depths, making the topic of Ignorance difficult to write.

我比較願意談的是,如果有不同的見解出現,我們能包容多少? 就算要怒吼才能解決,是否也可用多層面的觀點去想,避免不必要的傷害。而個人認定的對與錯,因為範圍較小,更是會想辦法強力的去執行,這裡面如果能用自己懂得的佛法,跟自己進行辯論,辯論完再去做,應該更完善。

I am more willing to talk about our ability to tolerate different opinions. If we need to solve an issue with yelling and screaming, can we still look at the issue through many points of view and avoid unnecessary harm. Because the extent of personal ideas of right and wrong is smaller, it is easier for us to execute. But before we execute these ideas of right and wrong, if we can incorporate the Buddhist teachings in our thinking and debate with ourselves, we should achieve a better result. 

本來愚痴就是用智慧破壞它,但是智慧的養成時日不容易,辯論至少是一個方法,跟自己或別人辯一辯自己的想法、立場,看看是不是真那麼站的住腳步? 假使答案傾向大都是對的,至少代表可以執行。如果不那樣小心 ! 一味固執的衛護自己的想法,已經傷害很多人,卻還可能認為自己做了好事。

Foolish ignorance can be destroyed by wisdom. But it takes time to cultivate wisdom. Debate is a method, either with yourself or with other people. If after debates, you find out that your point of view and ideas are mostly right, then it means that you can try to realize and carry out these ideas. If you don't take this kind of cares with your ideas, and stubbornly defending them; you will think that you are doing the right thing even when you are hurting many people.

想法這種東西很無形狀,卻比貪、瞋,更可怕!  因為它每一個時刻都在,連作夢都是它,沒有面對它好好整理過,很難讓自己清楚、相信,原來自己是這麼頑強的一個人。

Thoughts and ideas do not have any forms and shapes, but they are even more dangerous than greed and anger. Because thoughts exist in every moment in time, even in dreams. If you don't face your thoughts and sort them out, it will be difficult to let yourself know that you are such a stubborn person.


A closed and stubborn mind will only bring unlimited disasters to oneself. All we have to do is to look at the Second World War to see the realization of foolish ignorance. I'll repeat again, "Ignorance" is an issue of the brain. My experience is that it follows us in silence, but have tremendous ability to control us. Our bodies do not have duplicated organs performing the same function, but there are at least two voices in our brain. The most obvious is the voices of the devil and the angel. If you want both to disappear, and to fix ignorance and insanity, you will need to have the ability to think critically, and have the endurance of a long battle with yourself.

半寄 Master Ban Ji
